Lift - Spring 2012 - (Page 22)

Alu m n i n e ws Message froM the assistant Vice President OctoberWest wows alumni OctoberWest reached new levels of intensity during a three-day celebration held Oct. 6–8 at the Prescott Campus. Alumni rally at the annual OctoberWest parade. This issue of Lift addresses how Embry-Riddle is growing its emphasis in applied research, while our alumni are taking the lead in developing new technologies and solutions to problems in the industry. A quote by Eden Phillpotts offers a whimsical lesson for us all. The English author and poet once wrote: “The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” I tend to agree; we should all focus a bit more on the mysterious things that make up our world—and ponder how we can make a difference for our society through new discoveries. Our Alumni Advisory Council members and Alumni Chapter Leaders are off to a positive start this year after their retreat and day of meetings the week of Homecoming in November. We are looking forward to some exciting growth and development in our Alumni Chapters—so remember to sign up to join your local chapter. The Women’s Ambassador Program, which launched this past fall, is an exciting new opportunity for Embry-Riddle and the Student Alumni Association. See page 25 for more details. In April, we will conduct a Lift readership survey. A random sample of our subscribers will be contacted electronically and asked to provide anonymous feedback regarding what they like and don’t like, and what they would like to see more of in our alumni magazine. Thank you in advance for your input! I look forward to seeing you all Oct. 5–6 at OctoberWest and Oct. 11–14 at Wings and Waves Homecoming Weekend. Remember to nominate your fellow alumni for an award by visiting the eaglesNEST: As always, please stay in touch and remember you are “Forever an Eagle!” Sincerely, Graduates reminisce with student veterans coordinator Fred Cone, left front. An extra-special homecoming Alumni from across the country returned for an exciting series of homecoming events at the Daytona Beach Campus on Nov. 3–5. Assistant Vice President of Alumni Relations Michéle Berg and University Archivist Kevin Montgomery, right, present Rick Harrington (’76, DB) with a 1986 photo of the Board of Trustees on which he served. Ernie the Eagle jokes with Alumni Advisory Council member Oscar Garcia (’02, DB), right, and Carlos Ruiz Irizarry (’95, DB), Puerto Rico Chapter leader. Michéle Berg Assistant Vice President, Alumni Relations Search Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Official Alumni Group “Join the Nest”: Kell Ryan, a member of the Industry Advisory Board for the College of Business, right, with alumni at the Alumni Dinner/Dance. Alumni celebrate EagleNight in the newly opened Sam Goldman Fleet Maintenance Hangar. 22 LIFT SPRING 2012 www.ERAUALUmnI.oRg http://WWW.ERAUALUMNI.ORG

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Lift - Spring 2012

Lift - Spring 2012
Letter from the President
Wings of Legacy
Flight Path
Home on the Range
Emphasis: Innovation
Giving to Embry-Riddle
Alumni in Action
Alumni News
Class Notes

Lift - Spring 2012