Every Dream Matters - 2012-2013 Annual Report on Philanthropy - (Page 1)

L E T TER FROM THE PRESIDENT In my career, I have had the fortune of seeing several great institutions of higher learning at work, but none has given me more satisfaction than Embry-Riddle. Of all the places I have worked and served, there is no place I would rather be. I could literally list hundreds of reasons why I love Embry-Riddle, but the first that comes to mind is the people who support this great university with their time, talent and treasure. Whether faculty, staff, alumnus, corporate partner or friend, your generous support shows that you share our passion for being the best aviation and aerospace university on the planet. It is that unity of purpose and passion that has placed us on top and will keep us there for many years to come. With your help, we have begun the important work of building a new legacy of education and discovery at Embry-Riddle. We have always been a great institution of applied learning; now, we are taking the next steps to become a place that provides new knowledge to solve real-world problems: * We have added 66 new faculty across our three campuses, deepening our talent pool of researchers and teachers; * We are adding new facilities at all three campuses to boost our capacity for innovation and discovery; * We have invested our resources wisely and grown our endowment to $92 million, up from $81 million in the previous year; * We have continued to reduce our debt while producing strong margins to fuel future growth. We have come a long way in just the past year, but it is only the beginning. The signs for the coming year point to more good news: Admissions are up at all three campuses, Moody's recently upgraded our bond rating from baa2 to baa1, and our endowment is approaching $100 million. We are clearly a university on the rise. We recognize that we couldn't do any of this without the ongoing support and dedication of the many names listed in this Annual Report on Philanthropy. Our strong position today is not the result of one person's effort, but is the culmination of the collective efforts of all who love Embry-Riddle. Please accept this report as a celebration of the special place you occupy in our Embry-Riddle family- and thank you for all you do for Embry-Riddle. With sincere appreciation, John P Johnson, Ph.D. . President and CEO G I V I N GTO.E R A U.E D U P H I L A NTH R O PY R E P O RT 1 http://GIVINGTO.ERAU.EDU

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Every Dream Matters - 2012-2013 Annual Report on Philanthropy

Lift - 2013 Annual Report on Philanthropy
Letter From the President
Letter From the Vice President
Report on Philanthropy
Staying Aloft
Donors Rally to Preserve the Golden Eagles
Taking Business to Heart
Working Toward a Better Future: Tom Leick
Jeff (’80, DB) and Kathy Knittel Give Back One Book at a Time
Finishing First: Glenn Mullary Jr.
Lifetime and Legacy Donors
Corporations and Foundations
Daytona Beach Alumni
Prescott Alumni
Worldwide Alumni
Friends, Board Members, Faculty and Staff
In Memoriam Donors
Board of Trustees

Every Dream Matters - 2012-2013 Annual Report on Philanthropy
