MADDvocate - Winter 2009 - (Page 3)

w Contents Departments 4 across the nation Information and updates for drunk driving victims. 6 Court reporting News from courts nationwide. 7 advocacy in action Celebrating successes in the fight against drunk driving. 21 Legally speaking Insurance Crash Course We explain a puzzling legal term–subrogation–and how it can affect you after a drunk driving crash. Helping you understand the legal system. 22 Healing Journey 10 prepping for surgeries A personal story from the heart of a survivor. 10 Stuck in Grief MADDvocate A MADD Publication 511 E. John Carpenter Frwy., #700 Irving, TX 75062-3983 1-877-MADD-HELP (1-877-623-3435) eDItOr In CHIeF Debbie Weir, MSW, LMSW eDItOrIaL eXeCUtIVes Janie Loveless, B.A., MLA; Leslie Moore, J.D.; Amy Stewart, LMSW CIrCULatIOn DIreCtOr John Evans eDItOrs Shelley Flannery, Jenn Woolson art DIreCtOr Monya Mollohan Injuries from drunk driving crashes often require multiple surgeries. Here’s what you need to know. What to do when the death of a loved one seems to paralyze you. It’s Contagious Humor heals. prODUCtIOn manaGer Laura Marlowe prep speCIaLIst Julie Fong CHIeF eXeCUtIVe OFFICer Charles A. Hurley CHIeF OperatInG OFFICer Debbie Weir, MSW, LMSW maDD natIOnaL bOarD OF DIreCtOrs Laura Dean-Mooney—President Art Brown Brian Demers Deborah Duncan Susan A. Ferguson, Ph.D. Sally Ganem Chris E. Johnson—Chairman of the Board David Levy—Treasurer Jeffrey Levy Nicole R. Nason Kathryn Nelson Paul V. Romero Kathryn Stewart Robert Strassburger—Vice-Chairman of the Board Bryce Templeton, M.D. Traci L. Toomey, Ph.D. Brian A. Ursino Nina Walker—Secretary William L. Windsor, Jr. Jan Withers Issues of MADDvocate are also available online at Click “About Us,” then “Publications.” MADDvocate® is published twice a year by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). All editorial content ©2009 MADD. All rights reserved. MADDvocate is published by McMurry, McMurry Campus Center, 1010 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85014, 1-888626-8779. MADD is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to stop drunk driving, support victims of this violent crime and prevent underage drinking. The MADD national office is at 511 E. John Carpenter Frwy., #700, Irving, TX 75062. Phone: 214-7446233. Please let us know if your address has changed or if you no longer wish to receive this magazine. Winter 2009 | MADDvocate

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MADDvocate - Winter 2009

MADDvocate - Winter 2009
Across the Nation
Court Reporting
Advocacy in Action
Insurance Crash Course
Stuck in Grief
Prepping for Surgeries
It’s Contagious
Legally Speaking
Healing Journey

MADDvocate - Winter 2009