Maryland's Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2014 - (Page 13)

AT A G L A N C E THE FACTS ABOUT COMMON CANCERS The more you know when it comes to cancer, the better. After all, knowledge is prevention power! Here are the 10 most frequently Breast Breast cancer occurs most often in Caucasian women, followed by black women. 234,580 CASES Colorectal Leading an inactive lifestyle and eating too few fruits and veggies increase risk. 142,820 CASES SOURCES: AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY; AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION; CDC; NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE; MEDLINEPLUS SOURCES: AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY; AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION; CDC; NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE; MEDLINEPLUS Prostate The survival rate is high: More than 2 million American men have beaten prostate cancer. 238,590 CASES Endometrial High levels of estrogen are thought to play a part in endometrial cancer, the most common type of uterine cancer. 49,560 CASES Melanoma This cancer typically begins in a mole, but can also form in the eye or intestines. 76,690 CASES DEFENSIVE SCREENS Block cancer in its tracks by following the American Cancer Society's recommended screening schedule. (Your physician may recommend more or less frequent visits, based on your personal health record.) Pap test: Every three years from 21 to 29; then every five years Mammograms: Annually starting at 40 Colonoscopy: Every 10 years at age 50 PSA test: Talk to your doctor at 50 and under the "Medical Services" menu, select "UM Pediatrics at Midtown." diagnosed cancers in America, including the estimated new cases diagnosed in 2013, and statistics or symptoms about each. Thyroid Thyroid cancer is much more common in women than men. 60,220 CASES Lung It's estimated that 90 percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. 228,190 CASES Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, a bloated stomach and feeling full quickly. 69,740 CASES Kidney The chances of developing this disease, also called renal cancer, are 1.6 percent. 59,938 CASES Bladder The majority of people diagnosed with bladder cancer are older than 55. 72,570 CASES SCHEDULE YOUR LIFESAVING SCREENING TODAY! To make an appointment for a mammogram, call 410-225-8083. You must obtain a referral from your primary care physician. | Spring 2014 13

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Maryland's Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2014

Maryland's Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2014
In This Issue
A Healthy Start
Living Well with HIV
It's a Team Effort
At A Glance
Serious Care For Kids

Maryland's Health Matters - Midtown - Spring 2014