Maryland's Health Matters - Midtown - Winter 2015 - (Page 14)

Put Your BestFoot Forward Introducing new podiatry services at UMMC Midtown Campus A quarter of the body's bones are in the foot, Campus and certified wound care specialist. "If you have a and during an average day of walking, the wound or cut that doesn't heal quickly, notice any bleeding total forces on your feet can equal hundreds or drainage from your foot, or notice areas of redness or of tons-the same weight as a fully loaded swelling, then you should be evaluated quickly," she says. It is recommended that patients come in for evaluation if cement truck. Achiness or foot pain shouldn't be regarded as a normal part of life. Often, foot ailments can become your first sign of more serious medical problems. Your feet mirror your they're experiencing foot or ankle pain that is not improving, or they have an injury to the foot or ankle. "Signs of podiatric issues can vary; however, some com- general health, so conditions like arthritis, diabetes, nerve mon indications include pain with everyday shoe gear, and circulatory disorders can show their initial symptoms in unusual bruising, shooting and/or radiating pain, rapid fa- your feet. Podiatrists at University of Maryland Medical tigue of the feet or ankles, and instability at the ankles Center Midtown Campus are available to provide consulta- that causes frequent falls or sprains," says Jacob Wynes, tion and care to patients experiencing foot problems DPM, instructor of orthopaedics at the University of to eliminate discomfort, and prevent any further damage Maryland School of Medicine and podiatrist at UMMC from occurring. Midtown Campus. "You should see a doctor at the first sign of a problem, especially if you have diabetes," says Emily Durrance, DPM, GET BACK ON YOUR FEET clinical instructor of orthopaedics at the University of UMMC Midtown Campus podiatrists-all faculty physicians Maryland School of Medicine, podiatrist at UMMC Midtown from the University of Maryland School of Medicine-work 14 MARYLAND'S HEALTH MATTERS  To find a podiatrist in your area, go to and search "Podiatry"

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Maryland's Health Matters - Midtown - Winter 2015

Maryland's Health Matters - Midtown - Winter 2015
In This Issue
A Healthy Start
Sleep on It
Gut Check
A Life Back in Bloon
At a Glance
Put Your Best Food Forward

Maryland's Health Matters - Midtown - Winter 2015