Peak Living - Fall 2010 - (Page 4)

QRA PhOtO BY Anslee WOlfe Why You Should Give A pint of blood might just be the greAtest gift you’ve ever given Tom and Kyle Waugh Kathy Hook, donor resource coordinator With an aging population and advances in medical treatments and procedures requiring blood transfusions, the demand for blood in Colorado Springs is greater than ever. At Memorial Health System, 900 units of blood are transfused each month, and 80 percent of the blood transfused is collected at mobile blood drives. Because of growing demand, Memorial needs donors who give blood regularly, not only to help people who are badly injured in accidents, but also people who have cancer, blood-borne illnesses and other health issues. Memorial’s Blood Donor Center is accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks, which sets worldwide standards for blood donation centers. AABB works closely with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to ensure that blood banks maintain the highest standards. We talked to Kathy Hook, Memorial’s donor resource coordinator, to learn more about blood donation. Who can donate blood? You must be healthy and have no infectious diseases such as a cold or sore throat or a history of a more serious illness. You must weigh at least 110 pounds, and be 18 or older. However, teens who are 16 or 17 years old may donate with their parent’s or guardian’s permission. (oral only), acne, pain and allergies are usually OK. Taking antibiotics within 72 hours of donating blood, cortisone, steroids, Heparin or Coumadin may stop you from being a blood donor. What can i expect When i give blood? Once you have been approved to donate, you will sit or recline in a specially designed chair. Your arm will be scrubbed to sterilize it. A needle will be carefully placed in your vein. Blood collection usually takes eight to 12 minutes. You will be asked to stay at the blood bank for about 10 minutes to rest and receive instructions. What kinds of blood types are needed? All types. The most common types of blood needed are those that are most commonly transfused. In the United States, two of every three Americans are one of two blood types: O-positive or A-positive. Anyone can receive type O-negative red blood cells. donate now donate blood by calling memorial’s blood donor center at 719-365-5411. the blood donor center at memorial hospital central is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. mondays, Wednesdays and fridays; and from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. tuesdays and thursdays. the blood donor center at the briargate medical building, 8890 n. Union blvd., suite 209, is open from 3 to 6:30 p.m. mondays; and from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. tuesdays and thursdays. appointments are preferred. 4 | FA L L 2 0 1 0 What if i am on medication? Most medications are OK. Medications taken for high blood pressure, depression, diabetes

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Peak Living - Fall 2010

Peak Living - Fall 2010
Health Beat
Girl Power
Back In Action
Pay It Forward
Focus On Food
Community Calendar
Hope & Healing

Peak Living - Fall 2010

Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Peak Living - Fall 2010 (Page Cover1)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Contents (Page 2)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Health Beat (Page 3)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Q&A (Page 4)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Q&A (Page 5)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Girl Power (Page 6)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Girl Power (Page 7)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Back In Action (Page 8)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Back In Action (Page 9)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Back In Action (Page 10)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Pay It Forward (Page 11)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Pay It Forward (Page 12)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Pay It Forward (Page 13)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Focus On Food (Page 14)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Community Calendar (Page 15)
Peak Living - Fall 2010 - Hope & Healing (Page 16)