Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Fall 2011 - Chinese - (Page 114)
The Chinese Cosmopolis
Shanghai is pure exhilaration, a sci-fi landscape of soaring edifices, luxury commerce and breakneck progress. Nels Frye and Jeffrey Ying explore this singular fusion of East and West, new and old
T he pa sT is presenT From left: Shanghai’s Pudong skyline as seen from Yuyuan Garden; a gallery at the Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai. 过去即现在 左起: 从豫园看上海浦东 天际线;上海当代美术馆 的画廊。
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Fall 2011 - Chinese