vo l . 7 n o.4
O c tO b e r t h r O u g h D e c e m b e r
3 4 . ContributorS 3 6 . editor’S letter 3 8 . preSident’S letter 4 0 . Falling in love
with ... toronto
As autumn falls, the city sparkles with new life. Visit the secret neighborhoods, grand boulevards and sidewalk cafés of a quietly romantic metropolis. 4 8 . deSign Palm Beach style with a bright and playful spirit; also, the tufted couch is a classic for every era. 5 0 . teChnology Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes shares the technology he won’t leave home without. 5 3 . on the
CloCkwise from top: CedriC Angeles; sCott sChumAn/Jed root, inC; kAte YAng-nikodYm
Shopping in new orleanS
In New Orleans, a new wave of designers and artists is bringing fresh energy to a city that still revels in its Old World traditions.
By eric eagan
Globetrotting style photographer The Sartorialist discovers accidental fashion icons on the streets of six fashion hot spots.
Cover: Illustration by Maira Kalman
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Fall 2011