Spring cleaning
Whether Wint er -parched or just ready ing for the glare of summer, betWeen-season skin re quires its oWn special pampering. laur a Vogel scours the g lobe for six special t r eatments
IllustratIons by jordan awan
Sou t h e rn B e lles
The South’s spring-flowering magnolia blossom is put to work at the turn of each season at The Ritz-Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation in Georgia. “The nice thing about magnolia is that it isn’t a heavy floral essence,” says spa director Sherrie Huebner. “It’s very clean. It motivates and improves the mood. And the lovely thing is, we have magnolias right here on the property.” The spa’s Spring Renewal service is designed to ready the skin for summer by treating it to a deep exfoliation and supermoisturizer. The 80-minute treatment starts with a full-body magnolia scrub in their Vichy shower room, followed by an aloe-andhoney masque. “Honey is incredibly moisturizing. It draws moisture from the air and infuses it into
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Spring 2012