vo l . 9 n o. 3
J u ly t h r o u g h S e p t e m b e r
2 8 . Editor’s LEttEr
Discover accidental
fashion icons on the
streets of the world’s
fashion hot spots
3 0 . PrEsidEnt’s LEttEr
3 2 . FaLLing in LovE
with … nEw orLEans
The Crescent City’s charms are
irresistible — and everywhere.
By The SarTolialiST
By Sara roahen
4 0 . dEsign
The Hamptons embodies a
high-end mix of the nautical
and the chic; also, L.A. designer
Mary McDonald brings her eye
for natural style to the most
elemental color of all.
4 2 . tEChnoLogy
What are the similarities
between space travel and
modern jet travel? “None,” says
former astronaut Mae Jemison.
4 8 . shoPPing
From the Hollywood highs
of Robertson to the beachy
beauties of Venice, Los Angeles
is a shopper’s dream.
By eliSe loehnen
5 6 . JEwELry
The colors of Capri illuminate
these treasures of the deep;
also, galaxies take shape in
these out-of-this-world pieces.
Cover: Illustration by
Chris Silas Neal
“New orleans’
most obvious
charms also
its greatest
CloCkwise from top left: sCott sChuman/Jed root inC.; Courtesy of meCox Gardens; CedriC anGeles; Courtesy of VaCheron Constantin
2 6 . Contributors
on thE
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Summer 2013