vo l .1 0 n o.1
3 0 . Contributors
on tHE
3 2 . Editor's LEttEr
3 4 . PrEsidEnt's LEttEr
3 6 . FALLinG in LoVE
WitH ... bAnGALorE
Accidental fashion
icons on the streets
of the world's fashion
hot spots
Beyond the commotion of
India's third-biggest city hides
a wonderland of beauty and
By Fiona CaulField
4 4 . dEsiGn
A Scottish accent adds a
note of majesty to every
room, in country and in city;
plus, international designer
Alessandra Branca shows how
faux bois lends real style.
By The SarTorialiST
5 2 . sHoPPinG
In Montreal, a European sense
of style pervades everything
from the cutting-edge boutiques
to the homegrown fashion
emporiums and elegant
department stores.
6 0 . GiFts
Give us your shopping list -
we'll give you the world.
6 4 . bEAuty
Cozy scents, evening treats
and products that pull double
duty are the high points of the
6 6 . JEWELry
Diamonds and pearls lead this
winter's trends; also, news from
the front line, including a lost
trove of jewels in London.
Cover: Illustration by Bella Foster
w w w. r i t z c a r lt o n . c o m
CloCkwise from top left: sCott sChuman/Jed root inC; alexi hobbs; Courtesy of Cassis Jewels; Courtesy of miChael devine; mahesh shantaram
Ja n ua ry t h roug h M a rc h
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Magazine - Winter 2014