Ritz-Carlton Passport - Summer 2012 - (Page 2)

Changing the game The RiTz-CaRlTon DiReCToRy Explore the world of The Ritz-Carlton in our comprehensive online directory. With a myriad of breathtaking properties in 27 countries, and new locations to come, the downloadable directory is your one-stop resource for facts, photos and local attractions in our exciting destinations around the world. 1 We are pleased to welcome you to the fourth edition of Passport. In this issue, we offer a closer look at two activities that will enhance your summer meetings. Whether you are entertaining clients or planning a teambuilding activity, our worldrenowned golf courses across the globe combine the special magic of a professional-level game of golf with the unparalleled service of The Ritz-Carlton. Another way to get your attendees out of the meeting room and into a truly inspiring setting is Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ambassadors of the Environment program, which offers groups an experiential and educational way to engage with their destinations. Finally, we are proud to continue our commitment as an industry leader in the digital field with the introduction of our recently launched mobile app. We hope that you will enjoy the newest, sleekest and smartest way yet to experience the world of The Ritz-Carlton. We look forward to seeing you soon. Groups on the Greens 2➺  Changing the Game The Ritz-Carlton Directory Destination: Philadelphia ➺ DownloaD ThE RITz-CARlTon DIRECToRY 3 Introducing The Ritz-Carlton App Destination: PhilaDelPhia Walk in the footsteps of America’s forefathers and become a part of history. One of the country’s most venerable cities, Philadelphia is home to Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and other cultural treasures, as well as impressive architectural landmarks, innovative dining options and a refreshingly unaffected local arts scene. Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ambassadors of the Environment Chris Gabaldon Chief Sales and Marketing Officer 4 w w w. R i t z c a R l t o n . c o M ➺ TakE a PhoToGRAPhIC TouR of PhIlADElPhIA Stories That Stay With You http://www.ritzcarlton.com/NR/rdonlyres/ADCADACC-9420-488A-9506-FDD921338B08/0/147760_INT.pdf http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/LetUsStay/Posts/Philly_CulturalTour_RCSP12.htm http://www.ritzcarlton.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ritz-Carlton Passport - Summer 2012

Ritz-Carlton Passport - Summer 2012
Groups on the Greens
Changing the Game
The Ritz-Carlton Directory
Destination: Philadelphia
Introducing The Ritz-Carlton App
Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ambassadors of the Environment
Stories That Stay With You

Ritz-Carlton Passport - Summer 2012
