Vim & Vigor - Winter 2010 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center - (Page 50)

Healthy R Wonder what it would be like to quit smoking, lose weight, or get a good night’s sleep for once? They’re not impossible goals—in fact, these Phelps County Regional Medical Center (PCRMC) employees tackled their health-related goals with great results! AMY GLENN, R.N. medical oncology department A Achievement: Losing 80 pounds my Glenn started “counting points” in 2001. While pregnant with her son she had gained 60 pounds, but lost only 30 after delivery. The same thing happened again when she was pregnant with her daughter, leaving Glenn 60 pounds overweight—just the motivation she needed to start her weight-loss journey. “It wasn’t fun to shop for clothes at that point,” she says. “Plus, I had always played softball, but it kicked my butt just to get around the bases.” Glenn followed the Weight Watchers plan, drank lots of water and began going on walks. Over the next three years she lost 60 pounds and quit smoking. Then, in 2006, she lost the final 20. “My doctor told me to lose weight and quit smoking,” Glenn says. “When I went back to see him later, he didn’t recognize me. He said, ‘Oh my gosh, no one ever listens to me.’ ” To maintain her weight loss, Glenn incorporates healthy choices and activities into her daily life. “I try to walk or run most nights, because I feel so much better now,” she says. “I have more energy, so I don’t want to just sit around. I also take one day a week to eat whatever I want. I’ve learned that when I eat poorly, I feel icky the next day. It’s not even worth it anymore.” While it has been four years since Glenn reached her goal, she still often runs into people who do not recognize her. “When I went to my 20-year reunion this year, most people didn’t recognize me,” she says. “Also, back in 2006, a friend of mine was having a baby. I was the matron of honor at her wedding, and she was mine. When I went in to see her, Be fo re : 23 0 po un ds , size 20 Af te r: 15 4 po un ds , size 9/10 she didn’t recognize me at all, even though we had known each other since kindergarten.” Glenn looks at her weight loss and maintenance as a lifestyle, rather than a diet. “Everything in my family revolved around food—not anymore,” she says. “I have poor metabolism; you can’t change that. There’s not a quick fi x, and I just kept telling myself, ‘You didn’t gain the weight overnight and you’re not going to lose it overnight, either.’ ” ONLINE Before you begin, check in with your primary caregiver for a checkup and to help determine a healthy weight goal based on your age, height, activity level and other factors. To find a doctor, visit and click “Find a Doctor.” Start a Healthy Lifestyle! 50 Vim & Vigor · W IN TER 2 010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Winter 2010 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center

Vim & Vigor - Winter 2010 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center
Table of Contents
Better Cancer Answers
Your Best Foot Forward
Smart Moves
Miss Information
Stroke Sense
Gut Feelings
The Story on Stress
The Faces of Skin Cancer
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
A Natural Dilemma
17 Reasons to Work in Healthcare
Healthy Resolutions
Sole Supporters

Vim & Vigor - Winter 2010 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center