Vim & Vigor - Fall 2012 - Gwinnett Medical Center - (Page 2)
Phil’s Feature
A Culture of Quality
Gwinnett MediCAl Center
President and Chief executive Officer
Philip R. Wolfe
Gwinnett Health System Board of directors
Jock Connell; Jayaprakash Desai, M.D.; Willard C. Hearin, M.D.; Carolyn Hill; Chung H. Lee; Tom Martin; Miles H. Mason III, M.D.; David McCleskey, Chairman; Edward Radford, Ph.D.; Manfred Sandler, M.D., Vice Chairman; Wayne Sikes
Prestigious award demonstrates a sustained commitment to the best care
hen HealthGrades ranked America’s 100 Best Hospitals for 2012, only three Georgia hospitals made the list. The only one in Atlanta?* Gwinnett Medical Center. This is an extremely important fact when it comes to making healthcare decisions for you and your family, because the research that went into compiling this list was conducted independently and objectively—HealthGrades reviewed the results of more than 150 million patients across the country. In other words, this ranking is not based on perceptions as some other awards are, but rather actual patient results. This is part of why we’re so proud to have been ranked on this list, and also to have been the only hospital in Atlanta to be so. This ranking also shows our long-term commitment to excellence in the area of clinical results. Hospitals that had one year of exceptional results did not qualify; rather, to be considered for this list, hospitals must have had decreased mortality and complication rates for at least four consecutive years. Sustained quality excellence does not happen by chance. Instead, it shows that GMC, starting with our board of directors, has made quality care a priority, establishing a culture of quality in which there is an expectation of clinical excellence. It means that the physicians, nurses and staff at GMC–Lawrenceville and GMC– Duluth strictly follow evidence-based medical protocols and are dedicated to following best practices to improve the care we deliver. Being ranked in the 100 Best Hospitals in America puts our two hospitals among the top 2 percent in the country for clinical excellence. We’re proud to be Atlanta’s lone representative on this list. It’s nice to be recognized for providing our patients with the highest quality of healthcare and sustaining it over a long period of time. It’s also nice to be recognized for excelling at exactly what we set out to do every day: transforming healthcare.
Vim & Vigor Managing editor
Aaron McKevitt
Vim & Vigor Assistant Managing editor
Lisa L. Stauffer
editorial Board
Kelli Massey Amy Motteram Keyonda Noel Beth Okun Dolores Ware Ajla Zjajo
Executive V.P./Chief Creative Officer: Beth Tomkiw Editor-in-Chief: Shelley Flannery Editors: Erin Feeney, Sam Mittelsteadt, Matt Morgan, Ellen Olson, Tom Weede Copy Editor: C.J. Hutchinson Managing Art Director: Adele Mulford Art Directors: Rod Karmenzind, Monya Mollohan, Kay Morrow Senior Production Manager: Laura Marlowe Special Projects Coordinator: Jenny Babich Imaging Specialist: Dane Nordine Production Technology Specialists: Julie Chan, Sonia Washington V.P./Business Intelligence Group: Patrick Kehoe Postal Affairs & Logistics Director: Joseph Abeyta V.P./Sales & Product Development: Chad Rose, 888-626-8779 V.P./Client Services & Strategy: Andrea Parsons Account Managers: Carey Ballard, Barbara Mohr, Paul Peterson, Ryan Smeets
Vim & Vigor Founder: J. Barry Johnson Chairman: Preston V. McMurry Jr. Chief Executive Officer: Christopher McMurry Chief Financial Officer: Clarke Rea President: Fred Petrovsky
Gwinnett Medical Center 678-312-1000 1000 Medical Center Blvd., Lawrenceville, GA 30046 If you wish to be removed from the mailing list, please tear off the shipping label and mail it to Remove Me, P.O. Box 17910, Phoenix, AZ 85011, or go to
Vim & Vigor,TM Fall 2012, Volume 28, Number 3, is published quarterly by McMurry, McMurry Campus Center, 1010 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85014, 602-395-5850. Vim & VigorTM is published for the purpose of disseminating health-related information for the well-being of the general public and its subscribers. The information contained in Vim & VigorTM is not intended for the purpose of diagnosing or prescribing. Please consult your physician before undertaking any form of medical treatment and/or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines. Vim & VigorTM does not accept advertising promoting the consumption of alcohol or tobacco. Copyright © 2012 by McMurry. All rights reserved. Subscriptions in U.S.: $4 for one year (4 issues). Single copies: $2.95. For subscriptions and address changes, write: Circulation Manager, Vim & Vigor,TM McMurry Campus Center, 1010 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85014.
Philip R. Wolfe, FACHE President and CEO
*Atlanta is defined as the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, GA Census Bureau Statistical Area as defined by the federal government’s Office of Management and Budget.
Vim & Vigor • FALL 2 012
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Fall 2012 - Gwinnett Medical Center
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2012 - Gwinnett Medical Center
Phil’s Feature
Good Times for a Good Cause
Warm Fuzzies
30 Days to Better Sleep
I Can’t Ask My Doctor That!
He Said, She Said
Hold On to Your Health
Still A Screening Star
Your Joints: An Owner’s Manual
Weighing Your Options
No Greater Gift
Weather Alert
Virtual Health
PrimeTime Health
From the Heart
Putting Everything in Place
Out of the White Coat
Transforming Healthcare
Vim & Vigor - Fall 2012 - Gwinnett Medical Center