Vim & Vigor - Summer 2012 - Community Healthcare - (Page 2)

A MessAge froM John Gorski Making a Connection The hospitals of Community Healthcare System offer programs that build lifetime bonds CoMMunity HealtHCare SySteM President and Ceo, Vice Chairman of the Board Donald S. Powers Board of Directors Frankie L. Fesko, chairman of the board; James J. Richards, secretary; David E. Wickland, treasurer; Steven Beering, M.D.; David Bochnowski; Joseph E. Costanza; Daniel Dumezich; William Hasse; Richard S. McClaughry; Joseph T. Morrow; Sister Kathleen Quinn; William K. Schenck; Monsignor Joseph Semancik; M. Nabil Shabeeb, M.D.; Donald Torrenga; Robert J. Welsh; Edward L. Williams, Ph.D.; Joe Williamson; Jay Zandstra executive Staff John Gorski, chief operating officer; Carole Bezat, senior vice president of administration; Mary Ann Shacklett, senior vice president of finance and CFO; Donald P. Fesko, O.D., CEO, Community Hospital; Jo Ann Birdzell, CEO, St. Catherine Hospital; Craig Bolda, COO, St. Catherine Hospital; Janice Ryba, CEO, St. Mary Medical Center A John Gorski t the hospitals of Community Healthcare System we’ve come together to provide care, nurturing and comfort to our neighbors in our Northwest Indiana region. But healthcare is much more than taking care of our patients while they are in the hospital. It is about having an impact on our patients’ lives long after they’ve recovered and completed their stay. On page 3, read how the care that Kim and Phillip Splant of St. John and their son Nathan received eight years ago from our dedicated doctors, nurses and other medical professionals pulled their family through a difficult health challenge. It has inspired this family to give back time and time again so that other babies can have a healthier outlook, too. Breast cancer survivor Deb Framarin of Homewood and others are finding new ways to express themselves through Art Therapy classes at the Cancer Resource Centre in Munster and using that inspiration to see life in a new light. Read more on page 4. Senior citizens such as Tony Kozrowski and Dorothy Appel continue to enjoy independent, active, healthy lifestyles well into their 80s, 90s and beyond. On page 6, see what they have to say about a very special place—their “home away from home”—called Hartsfield Village. After therapy and encouragement from staff at St. Catherine Hospital’s Acute Rehabilitation Center, amputee Daniel Mayorga of Hammond is doing things he thought he could no longer do—such as dance with his wife at his son’s wedding. Read his story on page 49. On page 54, find out how paramedic training at St. Mary Medical Center’s EMS Institute is offering those who are passionate about helping others another way to explore more options and career paths in the healthcare field. These stories serve as examples of the close connections that are formed from extraordinary healthcare experiences—the kind of care you can expect from the hospitals of Community Healthcare System. John Gorski Chief Operating Officer Community Healthcare System regional editors Mylinda Cane, regional director, marketing and corporate communications Elise Sims, public relations and publication specialist ProDuCtion editorial Executive V.P./Chief Creative Officer: Beth Tomkiw Editor-in-Chief: Shelley Flannery Editors: Erin Feeney, Sam Mittelsteadt, Matt Morgan, Ellen Olson, Tom Weede Copy Editor: C.J. Hutchinson Design Managing Art Director: Adele Mulford Art Directors: Kevin Goodbar, Rod Karmenzind, Monya Mollohan, Kay Morrow Production Senior Production Manager: Laura Marlowe Special Projects Coordinator: Jenny Babich Imaging Specialist: Dane Nordine Production Technology Specialists: Julie Chan, Sonia Washington Circulation V.P./Business Intelligence Group: Patrick Kehoe Postal Affairs & Logistics Director: Joseph Abeyta Client SerViCeS V.P./Sales & Product Development: Chad Rose, 888-626-8779 V.P./Client Services & Strategy: Andrea Parsons Account Managers: Carey Ballard, Barbara Mohr, Paul Peterson, Ryan Smeets aDMiniStration Vim & Vigor Founder: J. Barry Johnson Chairman: Preston V. McMurry Jr. President/Chief Executive Officer: Christopher McMurry Chief Financial Officer: Clarke Rea President/Content Marketing: Fred Petrovsky Attention: Marketing, 901 MacArthur Blvd., Munster, IN 46321 If you prefer not to receive our magazine or other health and wellness information from Community Healthcare System, please call us at 219-836-4582 or write to Community Healthcare System, 905 Ridge Road, Munster, IN 46321. Vim & VigorTM, Summer 2012, Volume 28, Number 2, is published quarterly by McMurry, McMurry Campus Center, 1010 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85014, 602-395-5850. Vim & VigorTM is published for the purpose of disseminating health-related information for the well-being of the general public and its subscribers. The information contained in Vim & VigorTM is not intended for the purpose of diagnosing or prescribing. Please consult your physician before undertaking any form of medical treatment and/or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines. Vim & VigorTM does not accept advertising promoting the consumption of alcohol or tobacco. Copyright © 2012 by McMurry. All rights reserved. Subscriptions in U.S.: $4 for one year (4 issues). Single copies: $2.95. For subscriptions and address changes, write: Circulation Manager, Vim & VigorTM, McMurry Campus Center, 1010 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85014. 2 Vim & Vigor • Sum m er 2 012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Summer 2012 - Community Healthcare

Vim & Vigor - Summer 2012 - Community Healthcare
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2012 - Community Healthcare
Community Message
Community Message
A Tiny Miracle
A Tiny Miracle
Over the Rainbow
Over the Rainbow
Home Is Where Hartsfield Is
Home Is Where Hartsfield Is
The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club
Arthritis Answers
Arthritis Answers
A TV Guide to Radiology
A TV Guide to Radiology
Take Aim
Take Aim
It Might NOT Be Cancer
It Might NOT Be Cancer
Colin Firth
Colin Firth
Step Up to the Plate
Step Up to the Plate
Life After Cancer
Life After Cancer
Get Dad to the Doc
Get Dad to the Doc
Getting His Groove Back
Getting His Groove Back
SPOTLIGHT ON: Community Hospital
SPOTLIGHT ON: Community Hospital
SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Catherine Hospital
SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Catherine Hospital
SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Mary Medical Center
SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Mary Medical Center
Balancing Act
Balancing Act

Vim & Vigor - Summer 2012 - Community Healthcare