Vim & Vigor - Summer 2012 - Community Healthcare - (Page 50)

HEADS UP! H BY MARIE FORSZT SPOTLIGHT ON: COMMUNITY HOSPITAL The Concussion Clinic at Community Hospital helps patients recover safely onor student Jeffrey Cummins, 17, of Lowell, is also an accomplished athlete in sports. He has been wrestling competitively since he was in eighth grade. During a match, Cummins suffered a severe conFo llowi ng a he ad inj cussion, but at the time no one knew it. His ur y durin g wrest lin g, stude nt ath lete Jef Cumm ins so ug ht ou frey t th e me dic al ex pe rts coaches thought he had a bad nosebleed, at th e Concus sion Cli Comm un ity Ho sp ita nic at l to he lp him recover which is common in wrestling. When the an d de cre ase his ch deve lop ing lon g-term an ce s of comp lications . bleeding wouldn’t stop, his parents took him to the Concussion Clinic at Community Hospital the Concussion Clinic. “Many times concussions are in Munster. fairly mild, but without proper medical treatment, The Concussion Clinic has a medical team of the symptoms and effects can become a serious linexperts experienced in evaluating and treating congering issue.” cussions and provides individualized treatment As it turns out, concussions are quite common in options to patients to help them resume their normal wrestling due to the nature of the sport and the lessactivities. Besides treating concussions, another goal protective headgear that is worn. Many times people of the clinic is to educate people on the importance of who suffer a head injury may continue to play sports seeking medical care for head injuries that may not or resume their normal activities without seeking seem severe. medical care because they do not think their injury “Each day I am feeling better,” says Cummins. “I warrants treatment. still have a slight headache, but not as bad as before. Quickly recognizing and responding appropriI am so happy that I went to the Concussion Clinic ately to a concussion are important to effectively because the doctors and therapists are really helping treat the condition. When recognized and treated me recover.” properly, most people fully recover from a single conWhen trauma or injury to the head or spine temcussion. It is imperative, however, to complete one’s porarily interferes with the way the brain works, recovery from a first concussion before risking a there is the possibility of a concussion that needs second concussion. Individuals who suffer multiple immediate attention and diagnosis. Seeking medical concussions, particularly children playing sports, care as soon as possible after the injury is important may take longer to recover each time and may very to making a full recovery and decreasing the chance well experience extended post-concussion symptoms of developing long-term complications. or disability. TAKE THE PROPER CARE “The key to concussion care is proper diagnosis and “Concussions are a big issue in the sports arena,” treatment at the point of injury, whether in a sportsays Mohammad S. Shukairy, M.D., neurosurgeon at ing event or accident,” Shukairy says. “Oftentimes, 50 Vim & Vigor · SUM M ER 2 012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Summer 2012 - Community Healthcare

Vim & Vigor - Summer 2012 - Community Healthcare
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2012 - Community Healthcare
Community Message
Community Message
A Tiny Miracle
A Tiny Miracle
Over the Rainbow
Over the Rainbow
Home Is Where Hartsfield Is
Home Is Where Hartsfield Is
The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club
Arthritis Answers
Arthritis Answers
A TV Guide to Radiology
A TV Guide to Radiology
Take Aim
Take Aim
It Might NOT Be Cancer
It Might NOT Be Cancer
Colin Firth
Colin Firth
Step Up to the Plate
Step Up to the Plate
Life After Cancer
Life After Cancer
Get Dad to the Doc
Get Dad to the Doc
Getting His Groove Back
Getting His Groove Back
SPOTLIGHT ON: Community Hospital
SPOTLIGHT ON: Community Hospital
SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Catherine Hospital
SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Catherine Hospital
SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Mary Medical Center
SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Mary Medical Center
Balancing Act
Balancing Act

Vim & Vigor - Summer 2012 - Community Healthcare