Vim & Vigor - Spring 2013 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center - (Page 2)

OPENING THOUGHTS Exceptional Experiences a family hEalth magazinE from PhElPS CoUnty rEgional mEDiCal CEntEr CEo John R. Denbo Senior Vice President and Chief operating officer Ellis Hawkins We strive to provide the best physicians, technology and healthcare every day Senior Vice President and Chief medical officer Don James, D.O. Senior Vice President for finance and Chief financial officer Edward Clayton Board of trustees Tom Bahr; Jo Ann Brand-Hoertel, R.N.; Albert Crump Jr.; Ted Day; John Park, Ph.D. E Vim & Vigor regional Editor Somer Overshon veryone at Phelps County Regional Medical Center (PCRMC) is invested in making the patient experience exceptional every day. Our patients are the reason we exist, and we strive to provide world-class, patientcentered care in every aspect of what we do. We are proud to bring the best physicians, technology and healthcare home to our community. One way we continue to advance our organization is through our excellent physicians and service lines. You can read about two of our newest physicians, Michael Potter, M.D., and Tanvira Alam, D.O., on pages 6 and 52, respectively, as well as Edward Downey, D.O., a radiologist who also serves as PCRMC’s chief of staff, on page 3. We recently initiated the Living History Program, which gives our patients the opportunity to tell their stories and gives us the chance to build lasting relationships with them. These stories give us an emotional connection with our patients that we value and treasure. You can read more about this innovative program on page 49. I hope you enjoy learning more about PCRMC in this edition of Vim & Vigor. Sincerely, Contributing Writer Lindsey Dunstedter Contributing Photographer Sarah Wilson ProDUCtion Editorial Executive V.P./Chief Creative Officer: Beth Tomkiw Editor-in-Chief: Shelley Flannery Editors: Erin Feeney, Sam Mittelsteadt, Matt Morgan, Ellen Olson, Tom Weede Copy Editor: C.J. Hutchinson Design Managing Art Director: Adele Mulford Art Directors: Rod Karmenzind, Monya Mollohan, Kay Morrow Production Senior Production Manager: Laura Marlowe Special Projects Coordinator: Jenny Babich Imaging Specialist: Dane Nordine Production Technology Specialists: Julie Chan, Sonia Washington Circulation V.P./Business Intelligence Group: Patrick Kehoe Postal Affairs & Logistics Director: Joseph Abeyta CliEnt SErViCES Executive V.P./Sales: Chad Rose, 888-626-8779 V.P./Client Services & Strategy: Andrea Parsons Account Managers: Carey Ballard, Kirsten Markson, Barbara Mohr, Paul Peterson, Ryan Smeets aDminiStration Vim & Vigor Founder: J. Barry Johnson Chairman: Preston V. McMurry Jr. Chief Executive Officer: Christopher McMurry Chief Financial Officer: Clarke Rea President: Fred Petrovsky onlinE John R. Denbo Chief Executive Officer 1000 W. 10th St. • Rolla, MO 65401 • 573-458-8899 Consult Us Anytime You Need Check out the latest healthcare videos, articles, quick tips, polls, recipes and more! It’s all at 2 SprIng 2 013 If you prefer not to receive our magazine or other health and wellness information from Phelps County Regional Medical Center, please call 573-458-7600 or email your request to to be removed from our mailing list. Vim &Vigor TM, Spring 2013, Volume 29, Number 1, is published quarterly by McMurry, McMurry Campus Center, 1010 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85014, 602-395-5850. Vim & Vigor TM is published for the purpose of disseminating health-related information for the well-being of the general public and its subscribers. The information contained in Vim & Vigor TM is not intended for the purpose of diagnosing or prescribing. Please consult your physician before undertaking any form of medical treatment and/or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines. Vim & Vigor TM does not accept advertising promoting the consumption of alcohol or tobacco. Copyright © 2013 by McMurry. All rights reserved. Subscriptions in U.S.: $4 for one year (4 issues). Single copies: $2.95. For subscriptions and address changes, write: Circulation Manager, Vim & Vigor TM, McMurry Campus Center, 1010 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85014.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Spring 2013 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center

Vim & Vigor - Spring 2013 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center
Opening Thoughts
Getting a Clear Picture
Stay in Rotation
Half-Century of Service
You’re the Star
Lighten Up!
Have No Fear
Work It!
Diane Keaton
What Are the Chances?
9 Symptoms Never to Ignore
When Allergies Attack
Virtual Health
Everyone Has a Story to Tell
Let Nature Take Its Course
Managing Menopause

Vim & Vigor - Spring 2013 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center