Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center - (Page 4)
A GMC cardiologist
traveling on a mission
trip connects a man
in Ethiopia with lifesaving
surgery at his hospital
or Eyasu Minas Woldekirkos, one encounter
with a compassionate doctor made a life-ordeath difference.
In April 2012, Gwinnett Medical Center
cardiologist Michael Lipsitt, MD, participated in a
medical mission trip to Gondar, Ethiopia, where he
worked on behalf of Jewish Healthcare International,
a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing education and access to healthcare.
Dr. Lipsitt's days in Ethiopia regularly included
social consultations-quick medical evaluations of
other people. It was during one of these that he met
Woldekirkos and noticed distinct signs of end-stage
heart disease.
When he reviewed Woldekirkos' most recent echocardiogram, Dr. Lipsitt says he knew the patient's
valves were dysfunctional. "I had no idea how he was
alive," he says. "In fact, his valves were as dysfunctional as any heart that I have ever seen."
Woldekirkos, a trained mechanic, was the sole
provider for his family. He had become nearly bedridden and struggled just to get out of bed or walk up
a flight of stairs.
In need of a SolutIon
Dr. Lipsitt believed that Woldekirkos suffered from
a common type of valve condition called rheumatic
heart disease. This can cause the heart valve leaflets to become inflamed, stick together and become
scarred, rigid, thickened and shortened. In addition, the valves may become leaky. Rheumatic heart
disease usually results from rheumatic fever, which
stems from an untreated streptococcal infection, such
as strep throat.
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Although Dr. Lipsitt first thought there was no
possible way to fix the problem, he began searching for medical resolution. With help from Jewish
Healthcare International and local federal representatives, he was able to get a visa for Woldekirkos to
come to America. There, the expert cardiothoracic
surgeons at Gwinnett Medical Center's Strickland
Heart Center stepped up.
"I never dreamed it would be possible to get
Eyasu to Atlanta for this operation," Dr. Lipsitt
says. "However, with the cooperation of Gwinnett
Medical Center, Dr. Langford, Jewish Healthcare
International and [U.S.] Rep. Tom Price, MD, an
impossible feat was accomplished."
JumpIng for Joy
In November 2012, David A. Langford, MD, a lead
surgeon at the Strickland Heart Center with more
than 25 years of experience fixing hearts, successfully
performed the complex, 10-hour triple valve replacement, made possible by contributions from individuals, GMC and Jewish Healthcare International.
According to Dr. Langford, a board-certified cardiothoracic surgeon, postoperative recovery was
uneventful and Woldekirkos was discharged six
days after the procedure.
"The difference is huge, like the difference
between the sky and the earth," says Woldekirkos,
translated by Muluken Messele, a nurse who made
the trip with him. "Before the surgery, I wouldn't
even try to go up two stairs. Now, I can go whatever
the distance."
When Woldekirkos was first released from the
hospital, he leapt up and down as many stairs as
possible at Dr. Lipsitt's home. According to Messele,
Woldekirkos was saying time and again that he has
been born for the second time, postsurgery.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center
Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center
Phil’s Feature
Heartfelt Purpose
Not Too Busy to Beat Cancer
Got Excuses?
Managing Your Health with a DIY Tool Kit
Is It the Stress Talking?
The Wonderful World of Greens
Knee-to-Know Basics
On the Cover
Run for Your Life
14 Good-for-You Gifts
Special Delivery
Virtual Health
PrimeTime Health
Inspired Giving
Heads Full of Hope
Out of the White
Transforming Healthcare
Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center