Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center - (Page 49)

PRIMETIME HEALTH Engage Your Brain Y our brain plays a critical role in every area of your life-from learning, working and playing to personality, aptitude and memory. It is very much like a muscle with the ability to be strengthened. Just as physical activity and proper nutrition contribute to overall health, a few simple lifestyle choices can maximize your brain health. Consider the following tips to keep your brain functioning at its best: Think critically. Solving puzzles is a great way to improve critical thinking. Sudoku is a puzzle game that relies heavily on logic and reasoning. The point is to place numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty box so that none of the numbers repeats within the columns, rows or any of the smaller boxes. Try solving the puzzle below! Move. Regular physical activity improves your mood and memory. It also promotes the healing of damaged nerve cells in the brain. Walking in your 1 2 TRY THIS SUDOKU PUZZLE CALL 6 tips for better mental health FREE Membership Program for Older Adults If you are age 50 or older, call 678-312-5000 and enroll in PrimeTime Health today. neighborhood, local park or shopping mall is all that is needed. Volunteering for an organization can also help to keep you active. Read. Whether it is the newspaper or a novel, reading daily is a great way to exercise the mind, as your brain processes and interprets the information on a page. Eat foods rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules found in a variety of foods, but they are especially rich in berries. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants can contribute to a healthy brain and may help reduce the risk, or slow the progression, of dementia. Overall proper nutrition protects memory and learning functions in the brain. Learn. When you challenge your brain by learning a new skill, new brain cells are formed. This process contributes to a healthy level of brain functioning. Engage your mind by learning a craft, building a project, taking a new class, learning a new language or visiting a museum. Relax. Constant stress has a negative effect on your memory. When under a lot of stress, excess amounts of cortisol, a hormone released in the brain, can impair your memory. A great way to reduce your stress level is to engage in activities that bring you joy and laughter, or exercise. These behaviors release ANSWERS endorphins, which are chemical messengers in the brain that can make you feel happier and more relaxed. As you choose to take control of your health, use these tips as a starting point to strengthening your brain. 3 4 5 6 Source: Wikipedia WI NTER 2013 49

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center

Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center
Phil’s Feature
Heartfelt Purpose
Not Too Busy to Beat Cancer
Got Excuses?
Managing Your Health with a DIY Tool Kit
Is It the Stress Talking?
The Wonderful World of Greens
Knee-to-Know Basics
On the Cover
Run for Your Life
14 Good-for-You Gifts
Special Delivery
Virtual Health
PrimeTime Health
Inspired Giving
Heads Full of Hope
Out of the White
Transforming Healthcare

Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center