Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center - (Page 50)
Frank Circelli and Emily Brantley have given
$1.5 million to improve and save the lives of premature
and critically ill infants in their community
iving involves matters of the heart, and
for Frank Circelli, the decision to give to
Gwinnett Medical Center was no exception. Circelli has a passion for family and
a set of personal experiences that make giving back to
his community a high priority.
"I wanted to give to a place that I felt deserves it,"
says Circelli, founder and chairman of Gem Shopping
Network. "My youngest daughter was born at GMC
in 1995 at the Gwinnett Women's Pavilion. They
treated us so well, even while expertly navigating
an 'uncooperative' umbilical cord wrapped around
my precious daughter's neck during the birth process. So, you see, my heart is with Gwinnett Medical
Center and the Gwinnett Women's Pavilion."
"Frank Circelli is an amazing man," Lynch says.
"He's charismatic. He's driven. He's focused. And
he cares about people. He cares, and that's why he
wanted to give back."
According to Manfred Sandler, MD, chairman of
the GMC Foundation board, Circelli's generosity and
desire to give to GMC are not surprising.
"Frank is a dear friend of mine, and he is dedicated
to Gwinnett and the people who live here. This is
where he built his business, and he wanted to give
back," Dr. Sandler says. "It only seems fitting that he
would support GMC, a hospital system that prides
itself on transforming healthcare in the community
he loves."
Care and Passion
The Circelli family has generously given $1.5 million in gifts and pledges to help improve and
expand the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at
Gwinnett Women's Pavilion. Circelli and his wife,
Gwinnett County judge Emily Brantley, live in and
love Gwinnett.
"We think the people here are some of the kindest
people we've ever met," Brantley says. "We may be
different in a lot of ways, but one thing that we all
seem to share is a good heart. Frank and I really want
to give back to this community."
Brantley says that she and Circelli discussed ways
to give several times before she found out he had settled on giving to the NICU.
"It wasn't until we went to a Foundation retreat
that I learned he had decided to earmark the funds to
the neonatal unit," she says. "He told me that he was
'given a chance by God,' and he now wanted to help
'give a chance to the babies in the NICU.' "
Additionally, the NICU is of special interest to
Brantley, who had to travel into Atlanta to visit her first
According to P.J. Lynch, CEO of Gem Shopping
Network, Circelli's caring and passionate nature
drives his desire to give.
Frank Circelli, left, with Manfred Sandler, MD.
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Gift reCiPients
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center
Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center
Phil’s Feature
Heartfelt Purpose
Not Too Busy to Beat Cancer
Got Excuses?
Managing Your Health with a DIY Tool Kit
Is It the Stress Talking?
The Wonderful World of Greens
Knee-to-Know Basics
On the Cover
Run for Your Life
14 Good-for-You Gifts
Special Delivery
Virtual Health
PrimeTime Health
Inspired Giving
Heads Full of Hope
Out of the White
Transforming Healthcare
Vim & Vigor - Winter 2013 - Gwinnett Medical Center