Vim & Vigor - Spring 2014 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center - (Page 54)

Access for ALL Access for All MissouriAns According to Layla Earl, managed care contract coordinator with PCRMC Patient Financial Services, the Marketplace is important because "all people now have access to good, quality insurance plans, whereas previously, attaining a group form of insurance was not feasible for many Americans." According to Earl, Missourians can choose from four types of insurance 54 SPRING 2 014 By Lindsey dunstedter & somer overshon Get Covered cAll E ight hundred thousand Missourians are currently uninsured, ranking the state 2nd in the nation in terms of health status. Sick and uninsured Missourians are contributing to the already financially overburdened healthcare system, and these citizens are limited in terms of access and coverage. Missouri is in the minority of states that decided against the expansion of Medicaid to cover more people and provide additional federal reimbursement for healthcare facilities. A partial answer to the healthcare crisis is the implementation of the healthcare insurance Marketplace. PCRMC was the recipient of a grant from the Missouri Foundation for Health that was created with the specific intention of creating a Navigator Program at the hospital as a community resource for people who need additional guidance signing up through the Marketplace. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) legally requires that people without insurance coverage purchase health insurance plans through the government-run Marketplace. The Navigator Program at PCRMC incorporates three Certified Application Counselors whose primary jobs are to increase awareness about the Marketplace and act as a guide for people who need to enroll in a healthcare plan. People began signing up through the Marketplace in October 2013, and the actual insurance plans took effect January 2014. PCRMC is doing its part to ensure everyone has access to health insurance Need to speak with someone about your best insurance options? The Certified Application Counselors at PCRMC are here to help. To set up an appointment, please call 573-458-3676 today. plans: gold, silver, bronze and catastrophic, and the types of plans work similarly to how an employee would choose how he or she wants coverage from an employer. Basically, people can choose which plan best fits their needs and the needs of their families. "PCRMC applied for the grant from the Missouri Foundation for Health because as employees working for a hospital, we often see how difficult it is for families who do not have insurance coverage when a catastrophic event or medical emergency occurs," says Earl. "The ACA ensures that people are protected with insurance coverage so that they can make the best decisions regarding their health." role of the PcrMc certified APPlicAtion counselors Earl says she and the two other Certified Application Counselors (CACs) employed at PCRMC are committed to helping people with questions about the Marketplace and are available to help people enroll. "We are not salespeople," says Earl. "Our purpose is to ensure individuals and small business owners [50 employees or fewer] understand the new process, sign up for the best product for their needs and make sure their families or employees are covered." Educational training is important as well. The three CACs at PCRMC have been trained extensively

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Spring 2014 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center

Vim & Vigor - Spring 2014 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center
Opening Thoughts
Think Well, Stay Well
Small Steps to Good Health
Occupational Hazards
The New Rules of Play
Shopping for Two
Back to Basics
Burn, Baby, Burn
Angelina Jolie
Rock Your Health
Breaking Up with Salt
Disgusting! (or Not?)
Virtual Health
Detective of Medicine
Building Heart-Healthy Lives
Access for All

Vim & Vigor - Spring 2014 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center