Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center - (Page 49)

New Mother Guilt: Why Am I So SAd? Having a baby is one of the most joyous times in a woman's life. A new baby can bring about tremendous happiness ... and unexpected feelings of exhaustion, sadness and stress Top phoTo by ThinkSTock P ostpartum sadness and anxiety in new moms is common in the weeks following delivery due to fluctuating hormones. Changes in mood are often accompanied by feelings of being overwhelmed and exhausted. The postpartum blues are a relatively common condition that affects 50 to 80 percent of women who give birth in the first two or three days after the new mom goes home from the hospital. "Symptoms of the postpartum blues include sadness, feeling overwhelmed, fatigue and irritability," says Vaishali Shah, MD, PCRMC Psychiatrist. "The symptoms generally peak by day five after delivery and resolve spontaneously by day 10." However, Dr. Shah says, in about 20 to 25 percent of women with postpartum blues, the symptoms persist and may progress to postpartum depression, which is considered a psychiatric illness. Knowing what is normal and what is not Dr. Vaishali Shah about feelings of sadness during the postpartum period is crucial. "If you feel sad, that is OK," says Tanvira Alam, DO, PCRMC OB/GYN. "Experiencing the baby blues is common and will generally get better after a couple of weeks. If your feelings of sadness linger longer than two weeks, then you need to consider seeing your healthcare provider. Your body has gone through a major change, and controlling your feelings during the first few weeks after delivDr. Tanvira Alam ery is difficult due to fluctuating hormones." By Somer overShon What should you do if you think you might have postpartum depression? If you think you might be suffering from postpartum depression, Dr. Shah suggests bringing your concerns to your primary care provider or your OB/GYN, who will often screen for symptoms and evaluate the need to refer you to a mental healthcare specialist. You can also request referral to a psychologist or a psychiatrist. The main idea is to get help: Postpartum depression is an important health problem that may have significant consequences for the mother and the baby. Women who are depressed during pregnancy or have other mental health concerns, such as bipolar disorder or an anxiety diagnosis, are also at risk for mental health complications. "The risks of being depressed during pregnancy are high," says Dr. Alam. "Women who are depressed during pregnancy typically cannot get up in the morning; miss their prenatal visits; won't take or remember to take their medications or vitamins; do not eat well; and are more susceptible to using drugs or alcohol while pregnant. They do SUM MER 2014 49

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center

Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center
Opening Thoughts
Helping People When They Need It Most
When It’s Not Just the Blues
Stress SOS
The Truth About Sunscreen
The Transformers
Get Your Head in the Game
The Journey Continues
On the Cover
The Foot Follies
Friendly Fat
Virtual Health
New Mother Guilt: Why Am I So Sad?
More Than Just a Building

Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center