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speak, and it gets people confused. ... This isn't about being a little down." The National Institute of Mental Health reports that more than 20 million Americans have depression, a condition affected by genetic, environmental, psychological or biochemical causes. "It's not due to a weakness of will or character flaw," Croft says. "There are actual changes in the way the brain functions." Symptoms of depression include persistent sadness, difficulty sleeping, changes in appetite, feeling worthless, loss of interest in once-enjoyed activities and thoughts of death or suicide. "I'm stressed about a big work presentation. I barely slept last night." LikeLy diagnosis: Normal stress. When to seek heLp: If stress is constant or you worry excessively for no reason. Have you felt stressed in the past week? Of course. But if your stress is persistent and exaggerated, it could be anxiety. "Let's say you are running late for work. That's a stressful moment for anybody," says Tamar Chansky, PhD, a clinical psychologist and the author of Freeing Yourself from Anxiety. But someone with anxiety might say his whole day is ruined as a result. Anxiety, Chansky says, is "taking that moment and changing the narrative about what's going on." People with anxiety lack the perspective that the stress will pass, Bennett notes. They may even opt out of activities because they worry something bad could happen. Physical symptoms like feeling sick to your stomach, muscle tension and high blood pressure can also accompany anxiety. "People can wake up feeling this way-maybe even without a stressor," Chansky says. "I hate heights and refuse to get too close to the edge of a cliff." LikeLy diagnosis: Fear of heights. When to seek heLp: If that fear prevents you from performing normal activities. Jumping at a spider or getting uncomfortable in a packed elevator is understandable. But when fear hinders a person's ability to function, it becomes a phobia. Some common phobias include flying, heights and public speaking. A type of anxiety disorder, a phobia can cause a person to go to great lengths to avoid the situation they fear. For example, people with acrophobia-a fear of heights-may refuse to attend a meeting on an upper floor of an office building. Help Is Available For most people, a combination of talk therapy, medication and lifestyle changes makes a big difference. If you're uncertain where to turn, start by consulting your primary care physician, who can help connect you with the resources you need. "Never, ever feel you need to suffer in silence," Bennett says. "There is great help out there, and you deserve to be happy. ... Keep searching until you find what works for you." n Shouldn't I Be Happy? Knowing what is normal and what is not about feelings of sadness during the postpartum period is crucial. "If you feel sad, that is OK," says Tanvira Alam, DO, PCRMC Ob-Gyn. "Experiencing the baby blues is common and will generally get better after a couple of weeks. If your feelings of sadness linger longer than two weeks, then you need to consider seeing your healthcare provider. Your body has gone through a major change, and controlling your feelings during the first few weeks after delivery is difficult due to fluctuating hormones." Also, be sure to take time for yourself. "New moms are so focused on the baby that they often forget about themselves. Take personal time every day for 30 minutes to an hour," says Dr. Alam. "Leave the baby with someone you trust and go outside, take a walk or a bath, read a book-just do something solely for you. If you do things that help you recover, then that will help both you and baby." TOOL Assess Your Mental Health If you're concerned about your mental health, talk to your doctor today. To better understand your feelings, Mental Health America offers online screening tools for depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at mental-health-screening-tools. Summe r 2015 FdVVSU1576_09-48_Commons.indd 17 FdVVSU1500_14-21_HealthyMind.indd 17 17 3/25/15 1:23 PM 1/28/15 11:03 AM

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Summer 2015 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center


Vim & Vigor - Summer 2015 - Phelps County Regional Medical Center

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