Well - Winter 2011 - (Page 5)

You Don’t Have to Live with Incontinence women who are having difficulty controlling their bowel or bladder functions after delivery of a child need to know help is available. By kiki thoMPSon Hile tHe BirtH of a child is a blessing, the physical act of labor can sometimes cause complications for women. During childbirth, 75 percent of all first-time mothers will experience some degree of vaginal, or perineal, tearing. The degree of tearing can range from first-degree to fourth-degree and will vary in the severity of complications. Women who suffer from third- or fourth-degree tears will experience some level of incontinence. The two types of incontinence are: 1. Urinary. A loss of bladder control, which results in urine leakage. 2. Fecal. A loss of bowel control that can result in the inability to hold in gas. If you have recently given birth and are now experiencing either type of incontinence, there are professionals who can help. “Women need to advocate for themselves and not accept living with a condition like incontinence,” says Catherine A. Matthews, MD, board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, associate professor and division director of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery at UNC Health Care. “It is never normal or acceptable to be leaking unusual body fluid, and I want women to see that there is no stigma attached to talking to their clinicians about these issues. Incontinence is a very common medical condition. Most importantly, we have painless procedures that can remedy these issues and get you back to the way you were prior to giving birth.” say goodbye to Pain Perineal, or vaginal, tears that occur during childbirth can cause difficulties aside from incontinence. One of the complications that can arise from vaginal tearing is pain during intercourse. This pain can cause an interruption in an otherwise robust sexual relationship. It is important to know that this, too, is treatable. “Rejuvenation of a healthy sexual life for couples is another benefit of seeking medical treatment for perineal tearing,” says Catherine A. Matthews, MD, associate professor and division director of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery at UNC Health Care. “we can restore completely normal function in women after giving birth and improve their overall quality of life. There is no need to suffer in silence. There is every reason to get back to living well.” Explore Your Options if you are suffering from incontinence or painful intercourse after giving birth, ask your primary care physician for a referral to the UNC Perineal Clinic. Learn more at www.uNcurogyn.org. www.unchealthcare.org 5 http://www.UNCurogyn.org http://www.unchealthcare.org

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Well - Winter 2011

Well - Winter 2011
UNC Health Care News
You Don’t Have to Live with Incontinence
Much More Than Brain Surgery
Bouncing Back
My Story
Distinguished Nursing Care

Well - Winter 2011
