UNC's Cardiovascular
By MaRia J. MauRiello
Researchers work to
make heart disease a
thing of the past.
Winter 2014
ardiovascular disease affects the body's
heart and blood vessels and is the
No. 1 cause of death in the United States.
Researchers at UNC Health Care are
diligently working to change that statistic by advancing the medical care doctors
can offer their patients. "UNC's efforts
in cardiovascular research are driven by
the needs of the patients our physicians see every day," says Marschall
Runge, MD, PhD, executive dean of the UNC School of Medicine.
"As national and international leaders in this arena, our investigators
are breaking new ground and discovering better, more effective prevention and treatment options to improve the lives and life expectancies of people in North Carolina and around the world."
Photo: BRian StRickland
Collaboration Guides
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Well - Winter 2014