SOCIAL JOIN THE CONVERSATION GETTING CONNECT WITH OUR COMMUNITY CAINewEnglandChapter CAINewEngland CAI New England Chapter Increasing Our “Like”lihood he CAI-NE chapter is growing its presence on Facebook. The percentage of chapter members and friends who “like” us on Facebook is actually greater than that of CAI nationwide. We try hard to create content that our Facebook fans will find useful, relevant and interesting. One of the most popular ways to attract people to “like” a Facebook page is to offer them something in exchange for their like. A restaurant, for example, might offer a discount coupon on a meal or a free soda with a purchase. The fun thing about these offers is that you never know when they’ll become available, so it’s important to stay connected to the company’s Facebook page. T OK. (Someday we hope to turn you around!) You can still find out what is going on at CAI through more traditional methods like reading this magazine and receiving information through the mail or email — but you might miss out on a great deal! CM Facebook: CAINewEnglandChapter Twitter: LinkedIn Company page: LinkedIn Group: YouTube: Like Us ... Win Prizes ... The chapter’s communications committee is now also utilizing special offers on the CAI-NE Facebook page. Some of the ideas the committee has come up with are contests to win a free registration to an upcoming program, a free copy of a topical article or book giveaway, as well as contests to win a gift card to Dunkin’ Donuts, Starbucks or Redbox just for clicking the “like” button on Facebook or commenting on our page. This is one way of connecting with you and offering you a way to participate in the conversation we’re having online. Of course, we also know that many of our members are not using Facebook or other social media platforms and that is CONDO MEDIA • SEPTEMBER 2012 13