“Separated by Our Service” I Efficient, well trained staff, specifically focused on Condominium Management. I Currently servicing communities throughout New England. I Utilizing State of the Art Systems to enhance services for Owners. I Active in CAI and part of a select group of Accredited Association Management Companies (AAMC ®) Nationwide. I Creating Harmonious Environments with Personal Attention to Every Owner. I Encompassing service into all that we do. I “2012 Best of Banker & Tradesman Silver Award” recipient for property management services. Scott D. Wolf Scott D. Wolf Owner - C CA, AMS, PCAM CMCA, Owner CM 696 T r e m o nt St re et, 02118 6 96 Tremont S t r e e t, B o ston MA 0 21 1 8 ston Call Us Today 617-536-4900 ww w .G BP r www.GBPr o p e r tie s . c o mhttp://www.GBProperties.com http://www.GBProperties.com