What's happening in the CAI's membership community CAI News CAI 2014 State of Community Associations Survey Managers and Boards Are Optimistic The national economy and housing market are improving-however slowly-and that means things are looking up for most associations, which is welcome relief to many communities that weathered some difficult years. Based on responses from almost 1,000 community managers and association board members, almost 90 percent say their association's overall financial health is excellent or good, with 10 percent saying fair and only about 2 percent indicating poor financial health. Looking ahead, almost 55 percent of managers and board members see their association's financial condition being "much" or "slightly" better in the next five years, while 42 percent expect little change. Less than 4 percent anticipate a turn for the worse in the next five years. 8 CONDOMEDIA 55% ALMOST OF MANAGERS AND BOARD MEMBERS SEE THEIR ASSOCIATION'S FINANCIAL CONDITION BEING "MUCH" OR "SLIGHTLY" BETTER IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS