CAI News Out & About A gallery of photos from noteworthy happenings on the CAI-NE scene Legislative Action Committee and Members Address Maine Legislators {1} Maine Legislative Action Committee (MELAC) member Joseph Carleton Jr., Esq. testifies before the Judiciary Committee on Priority Lien and other condominium bills. {2} Board members and professional managers attend the public hearing and testify in Augusta, Maine. 1 2 Chapter Hosts Professional Management Development Programs {3} Professional managers attend M100 with national PMDP instructor Lincoln Hobbs, Esq. {4} National faculty member Margey Meyer, CMCA, PCAM, teaches M206 course. 3 4 Rhode Island Homeowners and Board Members Attend Training Workshop {5} Rhode Island hosts Essentials of Community Association Volunteer Leadership with speaker Mary-Joy Howes, Esq. {6} Kevin Kehoe presents insurance essentials at the Rhode Island volunteer leader workshop. 5 12 6 CONDOMEDIA