CED's Desk WWW.CAINE.ORG ADDRESSING CHANGE W ith nearly 50 volunteers serving in CAI-NE chapter leadership roles throughout New England, 2016 is shaping up to be one of the most diverse and engaging years in the chapter's history. As evidenced at the annual leadership meeting attended by more than two dozen committee chairs and board members, CAI-NE volunteer leaders have set the stage and committed their time and resources to expand member benefits and develop resources and opportunities that will address the challenges facing professional managers and volunteer board members. A realignment of long-standing committees will provide more focus to important CAI-NE strategic plan goals and objectives while streamlining the decisionmaking process. New task forces, including a Homeowners' Task Force and Managers' Task Force will draw attention to the ever-changing demands and responsibilities confronting these important industry decision makers and professionals, while addressing ways to engage them and provide the resources they need. And formal state advisory councils co-chaired by volunteers in all chapter New England states will bring to the forefront those unique challenges and issues of their respective states, providing an opportunity for the chapter to create specific programming and events to address their specific needs. This focus on chapter committee structure and the involvement of more chapter volunteer leaders than ever before comes at a critical time for an industry that demands more from less-more from homeowner volunteer leaders with less time to give and more from industry professionals with less funding available to support it. CAI-NE volunteer leaders will continue to be a driving force in shaping resources and opportunities that will assist and support members today and tomorrow. . Sincerely, Claudette Carini Chapter Executive Director 4 CONDOMEDIAhttp://WWW.CAINE.ORG