News Desk Model Behavior Code of Ethics for Community Association Board Members Condominium associations can and should exceed the expectations of their residents, and CAI has the information and resources to help boards do just that. Among these resources is The Model Code of Ethics for Community Association Board Members. The model code was developed by CAI to encourage the thoughtful consideration of ethical standards for community leaders and while it does not address every potential ethical dilemma boards may face, it offers a basic framework that can be modified and adopted by the community. Members can download the Model Code of Ethics and other resources for free at Condominium Dispute Resolution CAI-NE offers an Alternative For more than a decade, the CAI New England Chapter has offered a program that promotes an alternative, non-litigation resolution of disputes and conflicts arising in community associations. The Condominium Dispute Resolution (CDR) program is designed to fill the need for a fair, open, speedy and efficient mechanism for the resolution of condominium disputes without recourse to the traditional court system. CDR is not a branch of government or the judiciary, but an alternative dispute resolution program established under the aegis of the New England Chapter of Community Associations Institute to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising in community associations. For more information about CDR email 14 CONDOMEDIA