News Desk Introducing a NEW CAI Benefit Homeowner and condominium associations can and should exceed the expectations of their residents, and we have information and resources that can help. CAI's new microsite is dedicated to providing information and tools for association leaders. GET NEIGHBORLY ADVICE ON ALL THINGS COMMUNITY... HOARESOURCES.COM LETS YOU: Q: HOW SHOULD WE HANDLE BOARD MEMBER BULLIES? A: We have techniques for taming your board bully. ■ Find practical advice that you can use to make your community better. Q: HOW CAN I PREPARE FOR A VOLUNTEER ROLE IN MY COMMUNITY? A: We have resources to help educate new board members. ■ Use it as a resource you can share with residents. Q: HOW DO WE UPDATE OUR ASSOCIATION DOCUMENTS? A: We have tips to make sure your documents reflect how the community currently operates and the state of the law. ■ Get regularly updated content on hot topics. Be the first to access and share it with your neighbors, friends, family and colleagues. Bookmark HOAresources, CAI's microsite dedicated to providing you with information and tools for condominium and homeowner association leaders. m-206 Financial Management October 24-25, 2019 Natick, MA coming soon Understand and apply the principles of financial management to your community association. You'll learn the entire budget process, from identifying line items to reconciling accounts to gaining board approval. You'll also learn how to analyze and report on association finances. ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED » Visit to register for this course online. Register online four weeks ahead and receive a $25 discount. OFFICIAL 2019 SPONSOR Caliber Software 16 CONDOMEDIA October 2019