News Desk C A I - N E Helpful Tips Check us Out! The online resources available include publications that help community association leaders and professional managers with the many challenges and questions that confront them. Community association boards have many responsibilities, but if the community is professionally managed, few responsibilities are more important than creating a working relationship with the community association manager that allows the community to benefit fully from the skills, knowledge and resources the manager and management company can offer. Selecting & Working with a Management Company brings focus to the important issues that support and foster the management company and board relationship. The 19-page guide is intended to help boards establish an effective board/manager relationship and for those seeking management services, offers guidance in finding the "right" manager for your community. Divided into sections, the publication provides general advice, best practices, strategies and tips on the manager/board relationship and selecting management services. 2019 Management Directory Supplement offers an expanded listing of management company services. Building on the success of previous management directory issues, the 2019 Condo Media supplement includes articles that explore the manager and board member roles and responsibilities, as well as a listing of management companies and a checklist of services. 12 CONDOMEDIA November 2019 CAINE.ORG Resources and Connections Online Directory of Members provides a complete and updated listing of management company chapter members including contact details and website information. Condo Media online archives offer a variety of articles searchable by keywords for CAI New England Chapter members. Access all of the management resources you need to establish and maintain an effective working relationship today and tomorrow at