What's happening in the CAI membership community CAI News Call for Presentations October 31 Deadline Quickly Approaching! While the 2020 programming calendar did not go as planned, the Seminar and Conference Committee is working to develop a schedule of programs for 2021. The committee is seeking chapter members to be a part of the education initiatives - providing condominium board members and professional managers around New England with the knowledge, skills, and understanding they need to effectively govern and manage associations. If you haven't already submitted your presentation, be sure to do so by the October 31 deadline. *Submission of a presentation to the committee does not guarantee that the program will presented in 2021. REASONS TO SUBMIT: nS hare your skills, experiences, and vision with leaders n I ncrease your visibility and gain recognition and distinction within the community association industry nP articipate in forums that bring association homeowners, managers, and business partners together nP lay a part in improving community association living and promoting industry professionalism WHILE THE COMMITTEE WILL REVIEW ALL PRESENTATION TOPICS SUBMITTED*, POTENTIAL TOPICS MIGHT INCLUDE: nM anaging your Community's Online Presence nT he Insurance Claim Process from Start to Finish nU sing Technology as a Management Tool nS afety and Security - The Association's Responsibility n E ffective Strategies for Coping with Bad Behavior nO perating Budgets and Financial Statements nR eserve Study Methodologies nP lanning and Budgeting October 2020 CONDOMEDIA 7