ter Service ub-metering: A CASE STUDY ACCOUNTABILITY LEADS TO DRAMATIC REDUCTION IN WATER USAGE BY MARY SWEENEY AND PAUL HUIJING, P.E. PUBLIC WATER is metered in a single location for many community associations in New England. The water authority reads the meter and sends the association the bill. The board and unit owners of the association want to reduce the cost of water but lack a mechanism or incentivizing tool to do so. This dilemma exists in all associations, multistory buildings, townhouses, and single-family units where water is metered collectively. Installing a radio-frequency identification (RFID) water meter for each unit (known as sub-metering) can help solve this problem if the infrastructure exists to support the change. This article focuses on an example for a midrise building in Lynn, Massachusetts, where co-author Mary Sweeney resides. Her association is a 55-unit condominium (five floors plus basement) constructed in 1987. April 2021 CONDOMEDIA 29