Insights from local experts and executives The Region this issue: [38] Massachusetts [40] Maine [42] New Hampshire [44] Rhode Island MASSACHUSETTS Home Improvements? The Board has the Power [By Matthew W. Gaines, Esq. and Dillon G. Brown, Esq.] If the pandemic has forced us all to do one thing (other than ferociously wash our hands and instill within us a crippling fear to sneeze and/or cough in public) it is to stay at home. We find that, when imprisoned within the confines 38 CONDOMEDIA August 2022 of their own condominium unit, owners are all asking themselves the same question - if I can't go out, what can I do to make this place more enjoyable? This harsh reality has resulted in owners deciding to undertake renovations to their units, which often also involve modifications to the common areas. As a result, governing boards and their property managers have been bombarded with requests by unit owners to modify the common areas.