News Desk THE FIRST LUNCH & LEARN WEBINAR WILL BE HELD ON CONDO MEDIA WEBINAR SERIES FOCUSES ON CONTENT AND CONVERSATION Condo Media will introduce a series of webinars in 2023 that will provide a more in-depth conversation around selected issue content. CAI members will be invited to join industry professionals on the third Tuesday of every month for an hour-long discussion that will take a deeper dive into the article content and focus. We hope you will join us for this " Lunch & Learn " webinar series scheduled from noon to 1:00 p.m. The hour-long conversations are FREE to CAI members and have been approved for one-hour continuing education credit. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER FOR THE LUNCH & LEARN WEBINAR, VISIT WWW.CAINE.ORG. TUESDAY, JANUARY 17 12:00 P.M. TO 1:00 P.M. Attracting, Developing, Supporting Association Leaders WITH THOMAS MORIARTY, ESQ., CCAL, MORIARTY TROYER & MALLOY, LLC 12 CONDOMEDIA January 2023 JANUARYhttp://WWW.CAINE.ORG