NMINIUM NET ZERO CARBON POLICIES AND CONDOS BY MICHEL WIGNEY, ESQ. IN THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS, " carbon reduction " and " net zero " have been the fl ashy names atop climate change legislation and climate action plans. This is as true for cities in New England as it has been for Paris, Tokyo, and San Francisco. Carbon Free Boston sets a target for the city to be carbon neutral or " net zero " by 2050. Portland, Maine's City Council passed a Resolution in April of 2018, asserting that the city will work to reduce its carbon emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. Burlington, Vermont is presently on track with its stated goal of being a Net Zero Energy City by 2030. Durham, New Hampshire's Climate Action Plan declares that the city will reduce its 2019 greenhouse gas emissions by 35.5% by 2030 and be net zero by 2050. While not in New England, even New York City's Local Law 97 incorporates a commitment to make the behemoth city carbon neutral by 2050. March 2023 CONDOMEDIA 17