MD Conference Express - ATS 2014 - (Page 5)

LEAD ADVISORS Erin Bohula May, MD, DPhil Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA GLOBAL ADVISORY BOARD Ashraf Abdelkafy, MD Suez Canal University, Egypt John Anderson, MD ADA President, Medicine & Science Philip E. Aylward, BM BCh, PhD Flinders Medical Centre, Australia Official Peer-Reviewed Highlights From the American Thoracic Society 2014 International Conference Jeroen J. Bax, MD, PhD Leiden University, The Netherlands David A. Barbie, MD Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA Alfred Bove, MD, PhD FEATURES Temple University, USA David A. Braunreiter, MD Weill Cornell Medical College, USA 6 Matthew Cavender, MD Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA Key Insights From the ATS/ERS 2014 Guidelines on Severe Asthma Ramon Corbalán, MD Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile CLInICAL TRIAL HIGHLIGHTS Anthony J. Dalby, MB, ChB, FCP Milpark Hospital, South Africa 9 Gaetano M. De Ferrari, MD University of Pavia, Italy Vrunda Bhavsar Desai, MD, FACOG Yale-New Haven Hospital, USA Jean-Pierre Després, PhD Novel AMG 157 Improved Inflammation and Bronchoconstriction in Allergic Asthma 10 Gene Expression Test Boosts Sensitivity of Bronchoscopy in Lung Cancer Diagnosis Université Laval, Canada Michael Farkouh, MD, MSc Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, University Health Network, Canada Vivian A. Fonseca, MD, FRCP 11 Tralokinumab Reduced Acute Exacerbations in a Phase 2 Study of Severe Asthma Tulane University, USA Timothy J. Gardner, MD 11 Phase 3 Trial Confirms Benefits of Pirfenidone for IPF Christiana Care Center for Heart & Vascular Health, USA Leena Gandhi, MD, PhD Shom Goel, MD 13 Initial Combination Therapy Improves Hemodynamics and Function in Scleroderma PAH Wolfram Goessling, MD, PhD 13 COPD Exacerbations Not Prevented With Simvastatin in STATSCOPE Study Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA Gregory R. Giugliano, MD, SM Baystate Medical Center, USA Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA Andreas Goette, MD EHRA Scientific Programme Committee Chair, 2013 Eva Gonçalvesova, MD, PhD Past-President, Slovak Society of Cardiology 14 Nintedanib Is Safe and Effective in Patients With IPF: Results of the INPULSIS Trials 16 ASPIRE Study: Results at Early Termination of LVR Study Steven Mark Greenberg, MD, PhD Chair, International Stroke Conference David M. Jackman, MD 17 Consistent Targeted Dosing of BUD Benefits Asthma Patients Needing Long-term Oral Corticosteroids Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA Nigel Key, MD University of North Carolina, USA Bindee Kuriya, MD, FRCPC, MS University of Toronto, Canada 18 CYT003-QbG10 Not Effective in Uncontrolled Allergic Asthma Matthew Latham Macer, MD Yale-New Haven Hospital, USA 19 Short-Term Treatment With Rosuvastatin Reduces Systemic Inflammation in Stable COPD Patients Megan C. Leary, MD Harvard Clinical Research Institute, USA Milan Luknar, MD National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, Slovak Republic 20 Acetaminophen Improves Kidney Function in Severe Sepsis Elena M. Massarotti, MD Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA Raymond Massay, MD 21 Bisoprolol Improves RVEF and Heart Rate in PAH Past-President, Caribbean Cardiac Society Otto Metzger, MD 22 Current Clinical Trials Shaping Future Directions in ARDS Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA Michael Micksche, MD University of Vienna, Austria 22 LAI Improves Pulmonary Function in CF Kimmie Ng, MD, MPH Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA Fausto Pinto, MD University of Lisbon, Portugal Elizabeth Seaquist, MD SELECTED UPDATES Sara M. Tolaney, MD, MPH 24 Current Recommendations for Screening and Managing Lung Cancer ADA President-Elect, Medicine & Science Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA Daryle Wayne, PhD, ARNP FPB-BC , 26 Issues in the Management of VTE Pasco-Hernando State College, USA Jeffrey Weitz, MD Patrick Ying, MD 28 Antibiotic Resistance: Treatment and Drug Development Challenges Addressed Andrew J. Wagner, MD, PhD 30 Lowering the Influence of Exacerbations in COPD McMaster University, Canada NYU Langone Medical Center, USA Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA Uwe Zeymer, MD Klinikum Ludwigshafen and Institut für Herzinfarktforschung Ludwigshafen, Germany PUBLISHER Jennifer Goodwin Schünemann President Claire Stanton Editorial Project Director Developmental Editors Umair Shafique, MSc Laura Ware Beth Johnson Vice President, Publishing Medical Writers Emma Hitt Nichols, PhD Brian Hoyle Mary Mosley Mary Beth Nierengarten Nicola Parry 400 West Cummings Park Suite 4900 Woburn, MA 01801 USA The Publisher does not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information supplied herein, nor for any opinion expressed. The Publisher, its agents, and employees will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the possession, publication, use of, or reliance on information obtained from this report. It is provided in good faith without express or implied warranty. Reference to any specific commercial product or service does not imply endorsement or recommendation by the Publisher. All articles are peer-reviewed and protected from any commercial influence. OFFICIAL PEER-REVIEWED HIGHLIGHTS FROM PEER-REVIEWED HIGHLIGHTS THORACIC MEDICINE Tel.: +1-617-370-8088 IN THIS ISSUE © MD Conference Express®. All rights reserved. Neither this publication nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of The Goodwin Group International, LLC. MD Conference Express is a registered trademark of The Goodwin Group International, LLC. ISSN 1559-8977 ISSN 2155-756X Lowering the Influence of Exacerbations in COPD Gerard. J. Criner, MD, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, launched a series of sessions that discussed the significance of exacerbations and rehospitalizations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in contributing to the high mortality rate associated with the disease. See page 30. ALSO implementing Severe asthma Guidelines Clinical trial Highlights Screening and management of lung Cancer

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MD Conference Express - ATS 2014


MD Conference Express - ATS 2014