MD Conference Express - EHRA 2015 - (Page 1)

LEAD ADVISORS Robert P. Guigliano, MD, SM Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA Sameer Bansilal, MD, MS Mount Sinai Hospital, USA Marc P. Bonaca, MD, MPH Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA Matthew Cavender, MD, MPH Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA Nihar R. Desai, MD, MPH Yale-New Haven Hospital, USA EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM 2015 IN REVIEW Official Peer-Reviewed Highlights From EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM 2015 GLOBAL ADVISORY BOARD Robert P. Guigliano, MD, SM Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA Philip E. Aylward, BM BCh, PhD Flinders Medical Centre, Australia Sameer Bansilal, MD, MS Mount Sinai Hospital, USA Jeroen J. Bax, MD, PhD Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands Erin A. Bohula May, MD, PhD Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA Marc P. Bonaca, MD, MPH Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA Alfred Bove, MD, PhD Temple University, USA Conville Brown, MD Past-President, Caribbean Cardiac Society, Bahamas Matthew Cavender, MD, MPH Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA Ramon Corbalán Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile Anthony J. Dalby, MB, ChB, FCP Milpark Hospital, South Africa Gaetano M. De Ferrari, MD University of Pavia, Italy Anthony N. DeMaria, MD Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, USA Nihar R. Desai, MD, MPH Yale-New Haven Hospital, USA Martin Didier, MBBS, DM(MED) Tapion Hospital, St. Lucia Michael Farkouh, MD, MSc Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, University Health Network, Canada Timothy J. Gardner, MD Past-President, American Heart Association, USA Gregory R. Giugliano, MD, SM Baystate Medical Center, USA Eva Gonçalvesova, MD, PhD Past-President, Slovak Society of Cardiology, Slovak Republic Shinya Goto, MD Tokai University School of Medicine, Japan Milan Luknar, MD National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, Slovak Republic Raymond Massay, MD Bracebridge Medical Centre, Barbados Jose Carlos Nicolau, MD, PhD Heart Institute (InCor), Brazil Fausto Pinto, MD University of Lisbon, Portugal Dylan L. Steen, MD, MS University of Cincinnati, USA Jacob A. Udell, MD, MPH Women's College Hospital, Canada Uwe Zeymer, MD Klinikum Ludwigshafen and Institut für Herzinfarktforschung Ludwigshafen, Germany FEATURED ARTICLES 2 Newer Diagnostic and Treatment Options for Patients With ARVC 4 Atrial Fibrillation: From Mechanisms to Improved Care CLINICAL TRIAL HIGHLIGHTS 7 SUP2 Trial: Selection Algorithm Benefits Patients With Recurrent Reflex Syncope 7 Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices Also Benefit Women, Sometimes More So 8 Micra Transcatheter Pacing System Safe, Effective 9 CARDIO-FIT: Cardiorespiratory Fitness Reduces AF Burden in Patients With Obesity 10 Miniature Leadless TPS Shows Favorable Electrical Performance 11 Uninterrupted Apixaban Safe and Effective in AF Ablation 11 TEE Unnecessary Prior to Ablation for AF With NOACs OTHER PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES 12 LV Septum Pacing Shown Safe, Feasible Alternative for Antibradycardia Pacing 13 Earlier Diagnosis of ARVD/C With Novel Software SELECTED UPDATES 14 New Concepts for Management of Atrial Fibrillation 17 Syncope Protocols and Units Improve Diagnosis and Risk Stratification and Reduce Costs 21 Innovations in Managing Atrial Fibrillation and Patients With Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Achievements and Pitfalls 23 Updated Perspectives on Atrial Fibrillation, Stroke, and Anticoagulation 25 Device Therapy for Heart Failure: New Approaches Under Investigation EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY ® e-Cardiology ESC Working Group Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology ESC Working Group PUBLISHER Developmental Editors Jennifer Bray Caroline Reich Umair Shafique, MSc Laura Ware Tel.: +1-781-897-5249 400 West Cummings Park Suite 4000 Woburn, MA 01801 USA Society Relationship Manager Elizabeth Donohue The Publisher does not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information supplied herein, nor for any opinion expressed. The Publisher, its agents, and employees will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the possession, publication, use of, or reliance on information obtained from this report. It is provided in good faith without express or implied warranty. Cover Designer Leonardo March Reference to any specific commercial product or service does not imply endorsement or recommendation by the Publisher. All articles are peer-reviewed and protected from any commercial influence. Production Editor Stephanie Palermini © 2015 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. No portion of the content may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of SAGE, which may be reached at MD Conference Express is a registered trademark of SAGE Publications. EHRA 21-24 June Milan Italy a product of EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY ® e-Cardiology ESC Working Group Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology ESC Working Group ISSN 1559-8977 eISSN 2155-756X 15:22 IN REVIEW OFFICIAL PEER-REVIEWED HIGHLIGHTS FROM This publication is supported by Daiichi-Sankyo in the form of an unrestricted educational grant. Cover Image: © EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM 2015 PEER-REVIEWED HIGHLIGHTS CARDIOLOGY & CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE Executive Director Jennifer Goodwin Schünemann Associate Director, Editorial Development Beth Johnson Senior Manager, Editorial Project Team Claire Stanton Associate Director of Business Operations Mark Danderson Project Managers Irene Berman-Vaporis Audrey Birkett, PhD Cindy Borch IN THIS ISSUE Atrial Fibrillation: Mechanisms to Improved Care Since the first electrocardiogram recording of atrial fibrillation (AF) in the late 1800s and early studies showing the link between AF and stroke, much has been learned about this condition. Gunter Breithardt, MD, Universitatsklinikum Munster, Munster, Germany, discussed how we are expanding our understanding of the influence of comorbid conditions on AF and how to use this understanding to improve patient care. See page 4. ALSO New Concepts for AF Management Clinical Trial Highlights Syncope Protocols Improve Diagnosis and Risk Stratification

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MD Conference Express - EHRA 2015


MD Conference Express - EHRA 2015