Photo Contest! Be a part of next year's Camping Guide... Submit your photo that captures the true essence and beauty of Maine, and your photo could be used in the 2021 Maine Camping Guide! Your photo could appear on the cover or inside pages! Winners will receive two nights of Maine camping. Rules: 1. Entries must be received by July 31st, 2020. 2. All entries must be sent with the entry form. 3. All entries must have been taken in Maine by you, but not necessarily this year. 4. Must also submit color prints or slides. 5. Clearly mark each with specific location of photo, your name and address. 6. We reserve the right to reproduce, with credit to photographers, all submissions to contest. All photos become the sole possession and property of the Maine Campground Owners Association, to be used and displayed in any manner the Maine Campground Owners Association wishes. PHOTO COURTESY OF BRI DEGONE Submit photos and entry form to: MECOA Photo Contest, 229 Center St. Unit 5 Auburn, Maine 04210 COPYRIGHT NICK STAPLES 20 | MAINE CAMPGROUND OWNERS ASSOCIATION * CAMPMAINE.COM http://www.CAMPMAINE.COM http://www.CAMPMAINE.COM