T EC H N o L o G y U P DAT E
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Internet Parts Ordering Version Deux
When is a version change a really big deal? When it refers to version 2.0 of the Internet Parts Ordering standard!
the customer, and then placing the order with a vendor is not recovered chain loses money on every special with additional margin on an emerorder that gets placed every day. The gency order. Typically, these sales are number of out-of-stock emergency Every day, tens of thousands of transmade at the negotiated margins and and special orders is growing due to actions are conducted in much the terms. In the time it takes to pick and continued parts proliferation and the pack a 30-line replenishment stock pressure to carry enough inventory. An same way they were 25 years ago – by making and receiving multiple phone order, staff all along the supply chain investment in 10,000 inventory items calls. The cost of the staff time and work to complete a single-line special satisfied 85 percent of demand in order transaction. No one is making 1988 – today those items meet barely 55 lost productivity devoted to making one or more inquiries about availability, any money under those circumstances. percent of the total demand. The outquoting and confirming the order with
Everyone in the aftermarket supply
of-stock items have to be sourced either locally or from the factory. And, that’s where we all start losing money.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aftermarket Insider Volume 64