T EC H N o L o G Y U P DAT E
tomorrow is Here today
Telematics – Let Us Show You What We Mean
Shop of Tomorrow Demonstrates an Aftermarket Solution for the Connected Car
Demonstrating at the Shop of Tomorrow are Chip Keen, Garage Operator; Ben Johnson, ALLDATA; and Nick Cosimano, Carma Systems.
The word “telematics” is one of
those that conjures up different meanings for different people. Technically, it refers to the integrated use of telecommunication of information and content with a moving vehicle. However, most consumers immediately think of OnStar® or GPS navigation or satellite radio or hands-free telephone or other services of many types. But at AAPEX this year, a collection of aftermarket innovators demonstrated the application of telematics in a way that benefits and impacts absolutely everyone with an interest in the vehicle service industry.
don’t be misled by the glamorous portrayal of Oe-imbedded technology. the car companies are building telematics into their products because it makes for a stickier relationship with car owners.
Don’t be misled by the glamorous portrayal of OE-imbedded technology providing hands-free communications, voice-activated navigation and peace of mind with lock-out protection and emergency response. The car companies are building telematics into their products because it meets a consumer demand for connectivity and it satisfies an OEM desire for a stickier relationship with car owners.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aftermarket Insider Issue 67