A F T E R M A R K E T SLAM DUNK DEPA R TMENT S 2 8 12 13 17 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ASSOCIATION NEWS MEMBER PROFILE TOOLBOX MARKET RESEARCH INSIDE TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION NEWS A APEX NEWS COMPANY PROFILE MARKET RESEARCH The Car Care Council has on its warm-ups and it’s almost time for the “Be Car Care Aware” jump ball to start National Car Care Month. Study the playbook on how you can have a ball this April by participating in the “Be Car Care Aware” campaign. National Car Care Month 2010 – it’s go time. p.13 Toolbox 18 20 22 24 26 p.18 Inside Technology M A R K E T R ES E A R C H FAC T o i D DiD yOu KNOW ? The total aftermarket size is estimated to reach $289.6 billion in 2010 with the automotive sector growing to $216.9 billion and the medium and heavy duty sector growing to $72.7 billion. Source: AAIA’s Channel Forecast Model p.26 Market Research AT T E N T i o N The editorial staff of Aftermarket Insider is always looking for ideas for news and features about the industry. If you have any suggestions, please contact Jennifer Ortiz at 301-654-6664 or e-mail jennifer.ortiz@aftermarket.org. www.aftermarket.org To Your AAIA CoMMErCE CENTEr Click on Commerce Center. To log in, your company e-mail address is your User Name and the default password is “welcome.” If you have changed your password but forgotten it, click “Forgot Password” to have it e-mailed to you. Access online: • • • • • • Event registration Member discounts Your records Member directory Products/publications And more For Example: User Name: john.b.doe@aftermarket.org Password: welcome For additional assistance, please contact AAIA at 301-654-6664, or e-mail aaia@aftermarket.org. AFTERMARKET INSIDER | MARCH • APRIL 2010 | 1
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aftermarket Insider - March/April 2010