E D U C AT i o N juMp-Starting education Learn to DRIVE: The Keys to AAIA’s New Online Education Directory When it comes to education and training for the aftermarket, there are two schools of thought. One is that there is a need for more education and training; the other is that there are plenty of programs available, but people either do not know about the programs or don’t avail themselves of the resources. In an effort to respond to these schools of thought, the AAIA Education Committee and staff created a working online directory of aftermarket education and training resources, known as DRIVE (Directory of Resources for Industry Valued Education). The directory is powered by Google Site Search, which enables companies to enhance search functions on their company Web sites, and is populated with URLs of aftermarket companies’ specific education and training resources. 10 | AFTERMARKET INSIDER | MARCH • APRIL 2010
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aftermarket Insider - March/April 2010