AS COMMITT ED TO Y O U Sett U A RE YOU KNOW EACH CLIENT’S NAME AND UNIQUE STORY. YOU DESERVE A B/D THAT KNOWS YOURS. There are 1,300 advisors who partner with Commonwealth, but “Rep Number” is not how we tell them apart. We’ve spent the last 30 years cultivating a community of individuals. Today, the advantages of working with an independent broker/dealer who understands and values who you are and what you want to accomplish are more apparent than ever. When you’re wholly committed to helping clients pursue their dreams, you need a B/D that’s wholly committed to you—and proves it every day by investing in the resources you need to grow your business. Contact us to learn more about a culture that values your independence—and your individuality—the way you do. AS YO ing th Sinc e Stan dard e 19 79 TO YOUR CLIEN TS Setting the Standard Since 1979 | Member FINRA/SIPC | 866.304.8223 | commonwealth.com