EXHIBIT 1 High Points These funds have either outperformed their category since being profiled in Undiscovered Manager or been rated a Morningstar Medalist, or both. Morningstar Analyst Rating Issue Name Morningstar Category Spring 2007 Champlain Small Company Adv CIPSX Small Growth Fall 2007 Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Mod Term S EXBAX Allocation-30% to 50% Equity Winter 2008 Baird Aggregate Bond Inst BAGIX Intermediate-Term Bond Summer 2008 Sequoia SEQUX Large Growth Feb/March 2009 Amana Growth Investor AMAGX Large Growth June/July 2009 Appleseed Investor APPLX World Allocation June/July 2009 Homestead Value HOVLX Large Value Dec/Jan 2010 FMI Large Cap FMIHX Large Blend Feb/March 2010 BlackRock Global Allocation MALOX World Allocation Feb/March 2010 Scout International UMBWX Foreign Large Blend April/May 2010 BBH Core Select N BBTEX Large Blend April/May 2010 Perritt Ultra MicroCap PREOX Small Value June/July 2010 Hotchkis & Wiley High Yield A HWHAX High Yield Bond Aug/Sept 2010 AMG Managers Fairpointe Mid Cap N CHTTX Mid-Cap Value Dec/Jan 2011 Mairs & Power Balanced Inv MAPOX Allocation-50% to 70% Equity Dec/Jan 2011 Mairs & Power Growth Inv MPGFX Large Blend Feb/March 2011 IVA International A IVIOX Foreign Small/Mid Blend Feb/March 2011 IVA Worldwide A IVWAX World Allocation April/May 2011 James Balanced: Golden Rainbow R GLRBX Allocation-30% to 50% Equity - June/July 2011 BMO Mid-Cap Value Y MRVEX Mid-Cap Value - Aug/Sept 2011 RiverPark Large Growth Retail RPXFX Large Growth - Dec/Jan 2012 RiverPark/Wedgewood Retail RWGFX Large Growth June/July 2012 Berwyn Income BERIX Allocation-15% to 30% Equity Aug/Sept 2012 Grandeur Peak Global Opportunities Inv GPGOX World Small/Mid Stock - Aug/Sept 2012 Grandeur Peak International Opps Inv GPIOX Foreign Small/Mid Growth - Oct/Nov 2012 LKCM Equity Instl LKEQX Large Growth Dec/Jan 2013 Scout Core Plus Bond Y SCPYX Intermediate-Term Bond Feb/Mar 2013 Conestoga Small Cap Investors CCASX Small Growth Aug/Sept 2013 Poplar Forest Partners A PFPFX Large Value Oct/Nov 2013 Meridian Growth Legacy MERDX Small Growth Dec/Jan 2014 Oberweis International Opportunities OBIOX Foreign Small/Mid Growth - Dec/Jan 2014 Rainier International Discovery A RISAX Foreign Small/Mid Growth - Dec/Jan 2014 Seafarer Overseas Gr and Income Investor SFGIX Diversified Emerging Mkts Beat Category? Beat Benchmark? - - - Continued on page 96 global.morningstar.com/Morningstarmagazine 95http://global.morningstar.com/Morningstarmagazine