April/May 2018 Strategies Research 38 Low Volatility's Unexpected Risk 42 Who Should Inherit Your Client's IRA? 46 Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics 48 Artificial Intelligence Takes Off 51 Manager: A Moderate Take on High Income Passive: A Better Bogy Equity: Premier Player Tax Wise Quant U Investment Research Best Ideas 52 53 Investors Morningstar Conversation 54 A Bigger Impact 62 Active Endeavor 66 69 Middlemen in the Crosshairs Sector Snapshot: Industrials 70 Before Passive Was Cool Undiscovered Manager Sector Rap User Profile Data Dashboard 78 Morningstar Global Market Barometer Morningstar Global Valuation Lens Morningstar Global Fund Flows 80 Ten Questions 72 74 4