Medalist Exchange-Traded Funds Name Annualized Total Return % Morningstar Category SPDR Dow Jones Global Real Estate RWO Vanguard Global ex-US Real Est VNQI Schwab US REIT SCHH Vanguard Real Estate VNQ Morningstar Analyst Rating Morningstar Fee Level Global Real Estate ´ Low Global Real Estate ´ Low Real Estate * Low Real Estate Œ Low Morningstar Rating QQQ QQ QQ QQQ 1Yr -11.65 -19.36 -6.06 -8.07 3Yr -0.54 -4.82 0.74 4.73 5Yr 2.00 -0.29 3.18 5.69 Assets $Bil 1.23 4.01 5.90 38.54 Source: Morningstar. Data as of 06/30/2022. Analyst Ratings should not be used as the sole basis for investment decisions. Analyst Ratings are based on Morningstar analysts' current expectations about future events and therefore involve unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause Morningstar's expectations not to occur or to differ significantly from what was expected. Morningstar does not represent its Analyst Ratings to be guarantees nor should they be viewed as an assessment of a fund's or the fund's underlying securities' creditworthiness. 31 Specialty