Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 38


Effects on DRTV
So what does all this new technology mean for the future of DRTV? Peters says technology will change the face of DRTV in three ways in 2012. First, ad time will be made more effective through iTV. “I may run a generic ad but using this technology, I can localize the offer, making the ad buy more effective,” he says. The second

change is that direct marketers will be able to make offers during actual television programming, which is timely considering the growth of product placement in television programs. And finally, the opportunity will present itself for consumers to click and buy immediately in the unbound category. The model of how iTV time will be bought by DR marketers is still a work

in progress. It is a collaboration being worked on by networks, broadcasters and marketers. “The marketplace will agree on a value, like any other medium, over the next few years,” Smith says. He is sensitive to working with direct response marketers who are familiar with putting a price on the value of an order or lead, so he realizes that working to find the right prices will take a lot of feedback and fine-tuning. “We’re smart enough not to create this in a vacuum. We will get feedback and insights and expertise of leading advertisers and DR advertisers.”

Working Out the Kinks
One possible speed bump in the iTV revolution is the question of how product purchases and RFI’s will be fulfilled. FourthWall currently works with PayPal, American Express and large fulfillment houses that have dealt with these kinds of demands before when testing out advertisements. “It’s pointless to recreate a wheel,” Peters says. “Billions of products are being sold directly every day.” Companies such as Amazon are already experts at filling requests without a warehouse. So the missing link is going to be learning how to connect these factors for iTV with direct response fulfillment houses and customer service agencies. Still, the future of iTV is strong and its benefits for viewers, advertisers and cable networks only seem to be growing. “People just love to watch TV, and it’s one of the best places to deeply engage with a brand,” Grabert says. “Not only is it effective as a DM tool, but it has a positive impact on brand awareness, brand opinion and purchase intent.” With the average person watching 146 hours of television per month, that’s a lot of time and people to reach, he says. And with the 100 million people in the United States who are paying for television, whether it be through cable, satellite, video providers or phone companies – it’s a channel that cannot be missed.

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electronicRETAILER | February 2012

23/12/11 10:33 AM


Electronic Retailer - February 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Electronic Retailer - February 2012

Calendar of Events - Upcoming Industry Events February through May
Your Association, Your Bottom Line
Industry Reports - Connect, Collaborate and Discover with MyERA
FTC Forum - Where the FTC Says Facebook Went Wrong
eMarketer Research - Who is the U.S. Hispanic Market?
IMS Retail Rankings - The Top 25 Shows and Spots
Jordan Whitney’s Top Categories - The Top 5 Shows and Spots and the Top 3 Categories
Lockard & Wechsler’s Clearance & Price Index - Index for 30, 60 and 120 Seconds
Ask the Expert - Who Says Kids’ Products Don’t Sell on DRTV?
From the Executive’s Desk - Create the Complete Package
DR Disruption
Bienvenido a Miami!
Interactive TV: Just a Click Away
What Your Consumer Says About You Matters
Guest Viewpoint - For Hispanic Vote, the Campaign is On
Guest Viewpoint - Own Your Own Online Media
DRTV - Supporting Retail: Is This the Answer?
Fulfillment - Are You Delivering a Great Customer Experience?
Teleservices - Stop Losing Thousands of Leads
Member Spotlight
Advertiser Spotlight - Highlighting This Month’s Advertisers
Bulletin Board - DG and Discovery Launch Digital Distribution System
Advertiser Index
Rick Petry - MINI Me
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - cover1
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - cover2
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 3
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 4
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 5
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 6
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Calendar of Events - Upcoming Industry Events February through May
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Your Association, Your Bottom Line
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 9
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 10
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Industry Reports - Connect, Collaborate and Discover with MyERA
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 12
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 13
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - FTC Forum - Where the FTC Says Facebook Went Wrong
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 15
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - eMarketer Research - Who is the U.S. Hispanic Market?
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 17
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - IMS Retail Rankings - The Top 25 Shows and Spots
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 19
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Jordan Whitney’s Top Categories - The Top 5 Shows and Spots and the Top 3 Categories
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 21
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Lockard & Wechsler’s Clearance & Price Index - Index for 30, 60 and 120 Seconds
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 23
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Ask the Expert - Who Says Kids’ Products Don’t Sell on DRTV?
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 25
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - From the Executive’s Desk - Create the Complete Package
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 27
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - DR Disruption
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 29
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 30
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 31
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Bienvenido a Miami!
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 33
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 34
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 35
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Interactive TV: Just a Click Away
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 37
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 38
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 39
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - What Your Consumer Says About You Matters
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 41
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 42
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 43
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Guest Viewpoint - For Hispanic Vote, the Campaign is On
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 45
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Guest Viewpoint - Own Your Own Online Media
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 47
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 48
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - DRTV - Supporting Retail: Is This the Answer?
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Fulfillment - Are You Delivering a Great Customer Experience?
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Teleservices - Stop Losing Thousands of Leads
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Member Spotlight
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 53
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Advertiser Spotlight - Highlighting This Month’s Advertisers
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Advertiser Index
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Classifieds
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - 57
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - Rick Petry - MINI Me
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - cover3
Electronic Retailer - February 2012 - cover4